There have been eyewitness accounts of people being dragged into the streets and killed just for their Jewish heritage and practices, despite living in the region for thousands of years.
Praise the Lord for such an effective week and congratulations to each staff person on the field with us, to Mezmur and our Ethiopian NGO Staff, and the rest of the Global Outreach team.
Spiritually, our expanded prayer team of local and international volunteers have seen thousands in the prayer room. Over 1,000 have prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah.
Be His Voice in 2016 by joining us for our medical outreaches that will bring desperately needed medical, dental, and eye care to thousands of needy Jewish People and their neighbors!
We want to thank you for your faithfulness and fervency in daily prayer & to share the fruit of our labors in Odessa at our Hear O'Israel Festival.
Be a part of the regathering of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” through using your much needed medical skills to the poorest communities in Africa!
Are you a medical professional who desires to make a difference using your medical skills to impact God’s Kingdom in Africa? Would you like to be a part of God’s regathering of the “Lost Tribes of Israel”?
Don’t Miss Tomorrow's Webcast. Watch and pray for the Odessa Festival LIVE. You’re an important part of this outreach to the war-wearied people of Odessa, Ukraine.
Anticipation is building in Odessa, Ukraine. Partnering congregations are trained and praying. Overflow accommodations are in place. Performers will soon arrive from all over the world for early rehearsals.
The Jewish People known as the Bete Israel in Tach Gayint live as outcasts in their own country. It doesn’t matter that they were born right there – their ancestors came from outside Ethiopia.