Some in the White House and in the international community are up in arms because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told an inconvenient truth through video on YouTube this week.
Are the Fall Feasts of the Jewish Calendar Significant?
Here as we approach Rosh Hashanah, the first of the Fall Feasts, just a few days from now, let me encourage you to be mindful of the spirit of the tashlikh as seen in the light of the New Covenant.
Masvingo 2016 Recap: We couldn't have done this without you!
It was a bone-chilling Tuesday morning at 5:15 am, when the volunteers and outreach staff of Jewish Voice woke up to penetrating wind, drizzling rain, and a clinic covered in fog. Many of us were discouraged, wondering whether we should conduct the clinic that day in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.
Hurting. Burdened. Confused. Depressed. We don’t like to admit it, but sometimes these words can describe a season of life even for Believers who love and faithfully follow Yeshua (Jesus). When an excruciating bout of depression led Dr.
Hosanna, Ethiopia Medical Outreach Comes to a Close
Outreach partners are back at home now after our Hosanna, Ethiopia medical outreach. They’re back at their jobs and into the regular routines of their Western lives.
God makes Himself known to those who search for Him with all their hearts, and understanding God’s “appointment book” is critical to comprehending when He will intersect with human history.
In the first few days of the clinic, this is a fairly easy task, emotionally speaking. But as the clinic nears the closing date, it’s harder and harder to accept that so many will not receive treatment.
Why is a museum exhibit opening significant to both modern Jews and the worldwide Jewish diaspora. Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem calls their new exhibit "In the Valley of David and Goliath," and it invites visitors to go back in history to the time of Israel's greatest King.
The Scenery on the drive to Hosanna was Breathtaking
The scenery on the drive to Hosanna was breathtaking. We had the chance to interact with some local children along the way. The team arrived safe and sound at the hotel. Here’s a view from one of the rooms just before the team met together for dinner.