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How You Can Pray for the Jewish Voice Zimbabwe Outreach

April 22, 2015

Happy Independence Day, Israel!

April 22, 2015
Sixty-seven years ago, Israel was restored as a nation to the Land that was given to them by God thousands of years ago. They have made deserts bloom and created a thriving democracy whose achievements in technology, medical research, and Nobel Prize winners have benefited the entire world.

Only 2 days left! Save $600 on a Zimbabwe Outreach

April 21, 2015
One Location. One People. The Lemba are an endearing people. Located in several communities of Zimbabwe, the Lemba have maintained their Jewish customs for thousands of years. And now they are discovering their Messiah Yeshua and coming to believe in Him in record numbers.

Act Now & Save $600 on a Zimbabwe Medical Outreach!

April 17, 2015
One Location. One People . The Lemba are an endearing people. Located in several communities of Zimbabwe, the Lemba have maintained their Jewish customs for thousands of years. And now they are discovering their Messiah Yeshua and coming to believe in Him in record numbers.

Yeshua and the Fruit of the Vine, the Blood of the Cup

April 17, 2015

Israel's Dangerous New Security Challenges

April 16, 2015
The Obama Administration’s dogged determination to normalize U.S. relations with Iran and to have international sanctions against that country dropped is already creating a host of dangerous new security challenges for Israel. Two news stories this week vividly illustrated this truth.

When All Israel Stands Still

April 15, 2015
Traffic surges on teeming freeways and surface streets. Markets buzz as goods and currency exchange. Sidewalks swarm with brisk footsteps closing in on assorted destinations. Restaurants clatter with the sounds of food preparation and conversation. It is the bustle of everyday life being lived.

The Cultural Carnage of ISIS

April 14, 2015
Not only is ISIS a brutal band of extremists who heartlessly decapitate even small children in their drive for an Islamic caliphate, but ISIS is also determined to purge whatever competes with the rule of radical Islam.

Yeshua's Final Footsteps: 24 Hours That Changed History

April 10, 2015

So, What’s the Deal? Israel Not Happy

April 10, 2015
“It is a good deal,” says President Obama ( Fox News). It’s “irresponsible” and “dangerous,” says Israel (Times of Israel). So, what IS the deal made last week between Iran and six world powers regarding Iran’s nuclear development. First off, it is not a final deal.
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