I’ve rarely been so sad to be proven correct. The Orlando attack represents the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S.
The “Lost Tribes of Israel” have fascinated historians and scholars for centuries. Who are they and how did they get lost?
What Move Will Putin Make Next.
Most of the world rightly considered it a catastrophe back in May of 2015 when the ancient and historically significant Syrian city of Palmyra fell into the hands of ISIS.
This Serves as a Powerful Reminder Sixty-eight years ago this Saturday, the nation-state of Israel declared its independence. The unlikely birth of this tiny new democracy represented a miracle of immense proportions and an extraordinary fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
The fact that Israel exists as a nation today is a miracle. Learn more about the history and independence of Israel.
UPDATE: Are Yemen Jews Still Being Persecuted. You may recall me last month bringing to your attention the news of 19 Yemenite Jews who were returned home to Israel through a clandestine operation. We continue to rejoice in their safe journey.
Are Temple Mount Tensions Increasing. Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, the holiest site on earth for the world’s 13 million Jewish People, continues to be a flash-point of tension in Jerusalem.
I write you today with a powerful sense of urgency. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that the days in which we’re living are special. Unusual. Extraordinary, even. This truth was highlighted for me several weeks ago when CIA Director John Brennan testified before the U.S.
Is This What the Third Temple Will Look Like. The ancient soil of the land of Israel continues to provide thrilling surprises for archeologists and Bible historians.