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Jonathan Bernis: Radio Interviews

May 26, 2020

Strang Report | Rabbi Jonathan Bernis Invites You to A Night of Promise
Listen to hear God wants to pour out revival on our nation as Rabbi Jonathan Bernis of Jewish Voice Ministries International invites you to take part in a Night of Promise on May 29. This special night is to bring unity, revival, and to stand with Israel.

January 21, 2019

Jonathan Bernis | Connecting Faith interview with Carmen LaBerge
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis unpacks his book A Lasting Peace: A Historical, Biblical and Prophetic Lens on the Crisis in the Middle East.

January 21, 2019

Jonathan Bernis | Greenelines with Dr. Steve Greene
Dr. Steve Greene talks with Bernis about his new book, A Lasting Peace.

January 17, 2019

Jonathan Bernis | Line of Fire
Dr. Brown Speaks with Jonathan Bernis About Lasting Peace in the Middle East

December 6, 2018

Jonathan Bernis | Southwest Radio Ministries
A Lasting Peace: A Historical, Biblical, and Prophetic Lens on the Crisis in the Middle East, Part 2

December 6, 2018

Jonathan Bernis | Southwest Radio Ministries
A Lasting Peace: A Historical, Biblical, and Prophetic Lens on the Crisis in the Middle East, Part 1

April 23, 2018

Jonathan Bernis | The Good Life
"The Shoes & TheĀ Great Beginnings of JVMI"

April 12, 2018

Jonathan Bernis | First Person
"The Life and Ministry of Jonathan Bernis"

March 7, 2018

Jonathan Bernis | Prophecy Conference

December 26, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | Rush To Reason
"The US Embassy Move to Jerusalem"

December 18, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Lucas Miles Show
"Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel"

November 27, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | USA Radio
"The Connection Between Christmas & Hanukkah"

November 7, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | In The Market
"The Holy Land in the End Times"

November 6, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Eric Metaxas Show
"Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel"

November 3, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Reconnect
"Israel and the End Times"

May 24, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Reconnect
"President Trump's Visit to Israel"


April 7, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Eric Metaxas Show
"The Lost Tribes of Israel"

April 4, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | In The Market
"Keeping the Home Fires Burning"

March 28, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Reconnect
"Discussion of Anti-Semitism with a Messianic Jew"

March 9, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Eric Metaxas Show
"Ministering to Jewish People"

January 21, 2017

Jonathan Bernis | The Healing Word
"A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural"

December 16, 2016

Jonathan BernisĀ | Equipped
"Christmas, Chanukah and the Christian"

December 14, 2016

Jonathan Bernis | The Bottom Line
"Can Christians Truly Celebrate Christmas Without Chanukah?"

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