The Jewish people are called God's "Chosen People," but what does that mean? Find out what they were chosen for and why it's important for you.
We all want to understand where we fit into God’s plan. Discover your God-given assignment as a Gentile Believer. Ezra Benjamin discusses something you might have missed from the book of Romans.
Have you seen the “grafted in” symbol? Learn what it means, how old it is and why it’s such an important symbol of how Jesus prayed we’d live as Believers.
Ezra Benjamin shares inspiring insight into Hebrew word for "waiting” on the Lord and how you can gain strength in your waiting.
Learn the Jewish concept of Scripture meditation, find Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures, and discover a profound but simple help for getting through crisis.
Examining the Messianic prophecy of Daniel 9 in Hebrew reveals the specific timeframe in which the Messiah would come and die, but not for Himself.