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With your support we've accomplished so much more!

October 04, 2016

I will go before you and make crooked places straight. I will shatter bronze doors and cut through iron bars. I will give you treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, so you may know that I am ADONAI, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name” (Isaiah 45:2-3).

Four hours before our recent medical clinic opened, God spoke to a pregnant woman and told her to start walking to Hosanna. Four hours later, she arrived to find us there. She was our first patient – and our second! She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy she named Amanual.

We almost weren’t there for her. Just a few days before the clinic, it seemed as if we might not be able to provide no-cost medical care to thousands of Beta Israel and their neighbors in Hosanna, Ethiopia.

We had permits revoked, renewals refused, vehicle breakdowns, access to the clinic site denied until only the day before opening, and with the changing political climate, we were not able to set up our normal prayer and counseling tent. All of these threatened to derail the Hosanna medical outreach.

Family standing on the side of the road in Hosanna, Ethiopia

But, we saw God smooth the path, break open doors, and cut through opposition to ensure that we were there for little Amanual, his mother, and thousands more.

Our amazing prayer team shone as lights in the darkness, and the people of Hosanna sought them out for prayer despite the absence of a gathering place!

Amid the spiritual resistance, God opened new opportunities for the prayer team. They prayed over Hosanna as they “toured” the city, joined a local congregation for an afternoon of intercession, and more.

Your prayers and financial support have been a big part of seeing this clinic come to pass. Your compassion to provide humanitarian aid, clean water, and the message of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) made an enormous difference in Hosanna.

In all, 12,372 patients received medical, dental, or eye care. We distributed 2,596 pairs of eyeglasses and performed over 200 eye surgeries, relieving pain and restoring sight. Also, 1,417 patients received dental care, and 10,000 people received LifeStaws® providing them a year’s worth of clean water.

Though for a time it appeared this clinic might not even take place, God went before us and opened the doors to make it happen. We walked through them to show the love of Yeshua to the people of Hosanna. If not for your faithful support, we wouldn’t have been able to give them the care they needed. Thank you!

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