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This is Your Moment. How Will You Respond?

October 01, 2015


This is our moment.

I believe you and I were born at this precise moment in world history for a specific reason.

This is not a season for shrinking back. These are not days for God’s people to cower in the shadows. And this is certainly not a time to be silent.

Please allow me to explain.

Prophetically significant events are unfolding at an accelerating pace.

We’ve witnessed the miraculous Isaiah 11:11-12 re-gathering of the scattered Tribes of Israel from the four corners of the earth (TLV) fulfilled right before our eyes!

And now . . .

  • Both Russia and China are growing bolder and more aggressive on the world stage.• Radical Islam is metastasizing into something even more violent and extreme and is bringing devastation and destruction beyond anything we have ever seen.• Iran is on the rise; possessing ballistic missiles on a path to obtaining nuclear weapons; and is outspoken in its desire for the destruction of Israel.

Most significantly of all, Israel is increasingly isolated. And meanwhile, raw hatred for Jewish People everywhere has moved out of the shadows and into broad daylight. Jews in countries like France live in constant fear for their lives.

In view of all that, the question becomes: How are you and I going to respond?

Are we going to run and hide? Are we just going to ignore what is happening and try to go on with life as normal? Are we just going to turn inward and remain silent?

Or are we going to make the most of every remaining day to have the greatest impact for God, and reach as many people as possible.

Here at Jewish Voice, we have made our decision. We’ve observed the signs of the times and determined that, together with our friends, we will do everything we can to:

  • Deliver the Gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) to as many hungry Jewish hearts as possible.• Rally support for Israel and skillfully use media to combat the lies and smears currently being promulgated.• Expose the demonic disease of anti-Semitism.

That decision is reflected in a huge step we took recently!

In just the last few weeks we made a huge leap forward in our ability to touch hearts and change minds. We took a step of faith and obedience that increased many-fold our opportunities to do the three things listed above.

What is that leap?

We took the once-per-week Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis television broadcast and expanded it to a five-times-per week “daily” outreach to the world.

That’s basically a 500% increase in our opportunities to impact people with the truth!

Of course saying “yes” to this divine call to reach more people before time runs out also means finding a way to make it happen. As I said, it was a step of faith.

The additional costs and hours of effort required are substantial. The workload we’re all carrying has soared. But as I said at the beginning of this letter . . .

This is not a season for shrinking back. This is not a time to be silent. We must shout from the rooftops!

We have to go into the highways and hedges and compel the lost sheep of the House of Israel to come to the wedding feast before it’s too late!

That’s why I’m counting on your participation more now than ever. The simple fact is: We can’t do it without you.

You see, we’ve not only committed to daily outreach on television:

  • We’ve significantly increased our efforts to establish and grow Messianic Jewish congregations and develop local leaders among the thousands we have led to faith in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe.• We’re searching for more ways to assist Holocaust survivors in Israel. We just recently provided several thousand eyeglasses through an eye clinic we conducted there.• We’ve expanded our medical outreaches to never-before reached Jewish communities in Africa.

As a friend of Jewish Voice, you are almost certainly aware of God’s promise to Abraham concerning his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you . . .” (Genesis 12:3 NIV).

That’s why I’m asking the Spirit of God to move clearly and powerfully upon your heart right now.


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