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You Can Be His Voice in Tach Gayint

August 27, 2015

  tach-gayintpsd.png   The Jewish People known as the Bete Israel in Tach Gayint live as outcasts in their own country. It doesn’t matter that they were born right there – their ancestors came from outside Ethiopia. So today, the Bete Israel in Tach Gayint are persecuted as outsiders and seen as inferior socially, culturally, and politically.  

  • A Jewish child in Tach Gayint is not allowed to sit next to a non-Jewish classmate in school.
  • Jobs go to the non-Jewish regardless of how qualified Bete Israel applicants are.
  • Daily mistreatment is experienced by Jewish children, youth, women, men, and the elderly.
  • They have no one to advocate for them as even the legal system does not grant them impartiality.

The persecution and neglect bears a message claiming, “you are worthless.” Daily, year after year, the Bete Israel hear it through the insults, confiscation of resources, and violence against them.


But God has a different message for the Bete Israel. And in January 2016, Jewish Voice is going to deliver it!
We are bringing much needed medical, dental, and eye care to the Bete Israel of Tach Gayint. Even more importantly, we are bringing them the message that God has not forgotten them. We are carrying the message of Yeshua their Messiah who loves them and laid down His life so that they may have life abundant in Him!  


Join us in Tach Gayint Be His Voice

The difference you’ll make is beyond counting!



tach-gayintpsd.png   Check out the schedule of 2016 Jewish Voice medical outreaches for information about our Tach Gayint medical outreach. You’ll also find five more powerful opportunities where you can make a profound difference in the lives of Jewish People in impoverished African communities. We need both medical and non-medical outreach partners to join us. *For our 2016 outreach locations, dates, and costs click here.

ShareIcon copy.pngBe His Voice – Share!

Even if you can’t come with us, you can still have a major impact in the lives of needy people by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church.

We know that not everyone can answer the call to go on an outreach. But there’s also a call to share about these life-changing adventures so that others can go! Without enough medical professionals, we can’t bring healing to these dear people. Without our clinics, we’re also missing the vital opportunity to share the eternal life-saving hope of Yeshua.

Will you answer the call to help us spread the word? Click here for a short video and sharing tools.



1435876621_send-user.pngBe His Voice – Send! There’s a third way you can impact lives in the areas where we serve. Aside from the individual costs covered by each outreach partner for their own participation, these medical outreaches are an enormous expense. Your contributions help send vital medication, medical supplies, and equipment into the field so that we can provide the physical and spiritual care these desperate people need. Answer the call to send! Click here to contribute.  

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