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Woliso Medical Mission: Serving Up Healing and Hope

March 06, 2014

Reports coming in from our Woliso medical mission describe the impact we are having on this community of needy people. We have treated thousands of patients in the first three days, patients who might otherwise never see a doctor for their condition. It is an exciting privilege to bring this kind of medical care to them free of charge! They need it so badly and the difference it makes in their lives is very often profound.  Here is our report fresh from the field this morning.

Monday, 03 March 2014

We have an amazing team of participants and local volunteers that have made the start of the medical mission week a huge success. We had a great start on Monday:DSC_0342

Patients treated: 1,400 Patients through the prayer room: 524 People who professed faith in Yeshua: 254 Healings: 162 Deliverances: 128 Follow-up cards completed: 95 Dental patients seen: 176 Eye glasses distributed: 230 LifeStraws® distributed with water education: 326

Eye Surgeries: 29

  • Cataract Surgeries performed: 15
  • Trachoma Surgeries performed: 14

Tuesday, 04 March 2014

We have a team of 54 international medical mission participants who are waking up early and enduring a forty-five minute bus ride to the clinic site to meet the needs of the Gefat and their surrounding communities. As we move on throughout the week the team has continued to grow in unity and there is a sense of peace throughout the clinic. Tuesday started out well and around an hour before the clinic was due to close we were hit with a rare rainstorm. Regardless of the rain we were able to treat over 1,500 patients!DSC_0395

Patients treated: 1,535 Patients through the prayer room: 602 People who professed faith in Yeshua: 273 Healings: 192 Deliverances: 95 Follow-up cards completed: 161 Dental patients seen: 159 Eye glasses distributed: 266 LifeStraws® distributed with water education: 600

Eye Surgeries: 43

  • Cataract Surgeries performed: 19
  • Trachoma Surgeries performed: 24

Wednesday, 05 March 2014

As we reached Wednesday, we started the day with a worship celebration and devotion that kept our team and local volunteers encouraged. We also saw an increase in water education. Not only were our patients excited to learn about water sanitation and waterborne diseases, they were also intrigued by the LifeStraw® unit. As we continually drive by the only water source for Woliso, a source that serves as cooking water, animal washing, and bathing, this area is in dire need of fresh drinking water and JVMI is able to provide this community with that through our distribution of the LifeStraw®. As we left the clinic today we saw so many men, women, and children with the LifeStraws® hanging from their necks. They had smiles on their faces and waved fervently to show their gratitude. DSC_0275

Patients treated: 1,550 Patients through the prayer room: 510 People who professed faith in Yeshua: 228 Healings: 209 Deliverances: 84 Follow-up cards completed: 146 Dental patients seen: 229 Eye glasses distributed: 439 LifeStraws® distributed with water education: 1,625 (which includes families, and our local workers who live in Woliso and received water education)

Eye Surgeries: 42

  • Cataract Surgeries performed: 18
  • Trachoma Surgeries performed: 24

Also, a portion of our team went straight from the clinic to the inaugural meeting of the second Messianic Congregation in Woliso. There were over 300 people in attendance for the service.

This is a monumental event and we are thrilled about what it will mean to the community.

Prayer points:

  1. Please continue to pray for the health of our team as a number of our participants have had bouts of illnesses
  2. Safe travels as we travel back to Addis on Friday
  3. Pray for our patients to have open hearts to hear about Yeshua as they are treated
  4. Pray for our Prayer Room participants who are praying for various people who are Muslim, Orthodox, and Gefat. Pray that the Lord gives them wisdom for each and every person that He has them encounter
  5. Pray for continued unity among the group

Thank you again for praying for us! Your prayers and support are extremely important to us, our team and our participants.

To learn about upcoming medical missions trips, visit the Medical Outreaches page of our website.  Be a life changer! Come with us! We have four more medical mission trips in 2014 and we’d love to have you join us. You don’t even have to be a medical professional. We have a great need for non-medical people, too.

Become a Prayer Partner to lift up the ministries of Jewish Voice in prayer. Receive twice monthly emails with prayer points to join hands with us in God’s work throughout the world. Visit the Prayer page of our website and sign up today.

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