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Why we go . . .

November 13, 2015



Welcome to the current issue of Jewish Voice Today Magazine. JVT presents timely, relevant topics to inform and stir both Christian and Messianic Jewish Believers with articles examining Bible prophecy, the Jewish roots of our faith in Yeshua (Jesus), current events relating to Israel and Jewish People, and much more. Below you will find a selected article and the opportunity to continue reading its conclusion as well as our entire recent issue.


Why We Go: Three Things Propel Jewish Voice to Distant Corners of the Globe

By Jonathan Bernis


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . . ” —Matthew 28:19


A funny thing happens whenever a new friend or acquaintance discovers my travel schedule for the first time. They are usually stunned to learn that, in any given year, I’m bouncing back and forth between five continents— overseeing medical outreaches, organizing festivals, speaking at conferences, and ministering before groups and congregations.

They often say something like, “Wow, Jonathan, it seems like you’re always going.” Well, it seems that way to me, too. I am on the move a lot. But so are many of the other members of our dedicated staff. There’s a reason for that. If you were to condense Yeshua’s final instructions to His disciples down to a single word, it would surely be a simple two-letter command: “Go.” In his article titled “Witnessing mentions Yeshua’s “Great Commission” mandate, or mitzvah, to “go” into all the world.

DSC_0124-2LR There are essentially three overarching reasons we are doing everything in our power to carry the Good News of Yeshua ( Jesus) to every Jewish heart on planet Earth right now. This is why we “go.”

1. We Go Because Our King Commanded It.

Do you recall Yeshua’s Parable of the Wedding Feast recorded in Matthew 22? In it He described a king who was hosting a wedding feast for his son. You don’t have to be a theologian with a string of degrees to discern whom the “king” and “son” symbolize in this allegory. In the parable, the king is initially disappointed at the level of response to his invitation to the feast. So, he eventually directs his messengers to: “‘Go into the highways and byways, and invite everyone you find to the wedding feast’” (Matthew 22:9 TLV).

There’s that key word—“go”—again. Yeshua’s final instructions before ascending to Heaven included these words:

“ . . . and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and through all Judah, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —Acts 1:8 TLV

Implicit in this directive is a strategy that corresponds perfectly with the apostle Paul’s “to the Jew first and also to the Nations” mandate (Romans 1:16) that I quote so frequently. That mandate represents the heart of the mission of Jewish Voice.

2. We Go Because Time is Short.

We certainly don’t pretend to know the precise timing of the Bridegroom’s return for His Bride or of that glorious “wedding feast.” But we can discern from the signs around us that the time is rapidly approaching. If we are indeed living in the Last Days, and I’m convinced we are, then a very important window of opportunity for reaching the Jewish People is closing. We are filled with a powerful sense of urgency but also excitement. Precisely because time is short, the harvest fields are ripe. Jewish hearts have never been more receptive. The Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) is moving among God’s ancient covenant People.

3. We Go Because of God's Promises.

I suspect you are aware of God’s promise to Abraham concerning his descendants: “I will bless those who bless you . . . ” (Genesis 12:3 NIV). Well, this promise is true. One of the surest paths to blessing in God’s order of things is to bless the Jewish People. This certainly involves helping meet the material, physical needs of oppressed Jews and standing with them against the rising tide of anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, the greatest blessing we can possibly bestow upon a Jewish person is an introduction to Yeshua HaMashiach—the promised Messiah, Jesus. But there is another group we, as followers of Yeshua, are exhorted to bless and care for—our fellow Believers. As Paul instructed:

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. —Galatians 6:10 NIV

Scripture repeatedly assures us that blessing will flow into the life of one who extends a hand of compassion toward suffering followers of Yeshua. (See 2 Corinthians 9 and Philippians 4:10-19.)

Finally, there is a third group of people that Scripture repeatedly exhorts us to “go” help—invariably reminding us to expect heavenly blessing and favor for doing so. I’m referring to widows, orphans, the poor, and the oppressed.

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. —Proverbs 19:17 NIV

In a similar vein, Proverbs 28:27 (NIV) declares: Those who give to the poor will lack nothing . . . (See also Proverbs 22:9.)

Here we have three groups of people that you and I have a clear biblical mandate to help and bless. These are three kinds of people who, when we extend a hand of compassion to them, God smiles and Heaven’s windows open. What I want you to note is that the ongoing outreaches of Jewish Voice to the scattered Tribes of Israel in Africa and elsewhere fulfill all three of these biblical mandates at once!


1. These communities identify as Jews—often suffering persecution and neglect as a result.

2. Many of these people have embraced Yeshua as Messiah, and more will do so as we share the truth with them. They are our brothers and sisters in the faith. They, too, suffer persecution.

3. The precious people we will minister to are all desperately poor and are suffering needlessly—many of them widows or abandoned women and their little ones. In other words, this triple intersection of need presents an opportunity for you and me to experience a threefold spiritual blessing. I wish you could be with me on one of these trips. You’d see the desperation in the eyes of these lovely people. And you’d sense the spiritual importance of what we’re doing there—the triple importance! You would sense Heaven smiling at every act of kindness, comfort, and care.


Jewish Voice urgently needs medical personnel and others who understand these three reasons why we “go” to participate in our 2016 outreaches. Perhaps you or someone you know should be one of these who will “Be His Voice.”

Of course, some can “go.” But the rest can “send.” Your gifts of support allow you to “go” and “Be His Voice” to others from wherever you are today. We go because our King commanded it. We go because time is short. We go because there’s blessing in it for everyone involved. Go with us!

However, if you're unable to go with us, we have an exciting way for you to be a part of what we are doing. This year we've created a Gift Giving Catalog for you to contribute towards one of many projects we are working on in Africa. Choose the specific gift you want to give, and you’ll partner with us to provide more LifeStraws to the Bete Israel in Ethiopia, a prayer tabernacle for the Lemba in Zimbabwe, dental and eye care to fragile Holocaust survivors in Israel, or even a well in Zimbabwe.

Click Here to See Our Gift Giving Catalog



Read the full issue of this month’s Jewish Voice Today magazine and learn more about the ancient roots of modern anti-Semitism, the end times and events regarding and surrounding Israel.


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