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When will it end?

January 13, 2017

In a year in which the United Nations and numerous Arab nations have blamed Israel for violence in the Middle East, her Arab enemies have committed a horrific terrorist attack against the Jewish people.

This time, four soldiers were killed, and 17 others wounded, when an Arab terrorist driving a flatbed truck intentionally rammed into a group of soldiers in southeastern Jerusalem this past Sunday afternoon.

Israeli media reported that three female soldiers and one male soldier were dead at the scene. Two other cadets were seriously injured, and 15 other officers and cadets sustained less severe injuries.

The soldiers were getting off a bus at the Armon Hanatziv promenade, a popular tourist spot in Jerusalem, when the truck plowed into them.

The driver, Fadi al-Qanbar, was shot and killed by soldiers and an armed civilian. He is said to have been from the nearby neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber, known to be a center of Palestinian unrest.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted with determination, saying, “We are fighting this plague, and will defeat it. We will overcome this terrorism, just as we overcame other attacks.” He hinted at “a number of actions that . . . we will have to take to ensure that incidents such as these do not recur.”

The Hamas Palestinian terror group praised the attack as “heroic,” but did not take credit.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said about the attack: “There was no other reason, and no need to look for an excuse—not Jewish settlements and negotiations, but an attack inspired by ISIS.”

I’m saddened beyond belief that this email is about yet another terrorist attack against Israel. And it’s only natural for us to want to ask how long God will allow His chosen people to suffer like this.

But then I’m reminded of His many great promises to not only make the whole world right again, but to bless humanity through the nation of Israel. Our reaction in times like this must be to condemn evil, to stand with those who seek peace and redemption in the name of Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus), and to rejoice in God’s awesome vision for a new and better world:

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I also saw the holy city—the New Jerusalem—coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

I also heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is among men, and He shall tabernacle among them. They shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them and be their God. He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Nor shall there be mourning or crying or pain any longer, for the former things have passed away.”

And the One seated upon the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new!” (Revelation 21:1-5, TLV)

These words of truth seem even more relevant, even more meaningful, because the violence this week took place right in Jerusalem.

Of course, we know there will be more violence and more death as long as our ancient enemy Satan exercises so much influence. But we preach with increasing urgency that the final outcome has already been decided: An eternity of peace for all people who accept the Gospel of Yeshua.

Thank you for your friendship, your support of Jewish Voice Ministries, and, especially, your prayers for protection of the nation of Israel.

As you pray, I hope you’ll also consider giving an online gift now to deliver the Good News to the Jewish people. We want as many as possible to spend eternity with us in the New Jerusalem!


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