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We Need You To Help Reach the Unreached

June 15, 2016

I’m writing to you today because you’ve been a good friend to this ministry and, by extension, a friend to the nation of Israel. Like me, you desire to see the Jewish People hear the Gospel and find eternal life in Yeshua (Jesus), our Messiah and Savior.

As you know, we are living in extraordinary times. I don’t believe in setting dates. Far from it. Nevertheless, everywhere we look, we see events unfolding that suggest that the hour is late.

We believe we must make every day count! So...

In faith, the board and I set budget targets for this year that would allow us to aggressively expand our medical and spiritual outreaches to never-before-reached communities among the scattered Tribes of Israel.

That’s precisely what we’ve been doing ... at a significant expense.


Today we are ministering to more people than ever before, yet I know in my heart we need to do more. Much more. Time is running short. And through God’s divine favor and amazing partners like you, doors are opening all over the world!


At the same time, our income so far this year has fallen below our budgeted faith goals. Don’t get me wrong; we aren’t in crisis; we aren’t behind in our bills or facing layoffs of staff.

But we have opportunities to do so much more to bless Jewish People and their neighbors in desperate need in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. And we can help many more elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel with food, dental care, and eyeglasses.

Perhaps the election year has distracted or diverted the giving of some of our longtime supporters. We just don’t know.

Whatever the reason, I’m writing today to ask you to help us stay the course and do more! Your very best gift today will go a long way toward putting us on footing that will enable us to step through every open door.


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