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Watch the Latest Update on the Blood Moons

February 13, 2015

March2015-Webcast-Email-Banner, Blood Moons

"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars…. And when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." - Luke 21:25,28


Join us March 3rd, 2015, to hear the latest from renowned researcher of the blood moons phenomenon

Mark Biltz

The blood moons: what are they and what do they mean? Mark Biltz is a pastor and author who has uncovered a fascinating link between NASA’s lunar eclipse dates, special feast days on the Jewish calendar, and important events in Israel’s history.

We’re halfway through the four blood moons of 2014 and 2015. The next one will occur on Passover. Previous groupings of four full lunar eclipses happened around the time of enormously significant events in Israel’s history.



Join us for our next Jewish Voice Live Webcast where we will answer YOUR questions...

  • Does God have a message for us in these heavenly signs?
  • Are the blood moons prophesied in Scripture?
  • Do these blood moons foreshadow a big event?
  • What could it be? How should we prepare?
  • What does it mean to lift up our heads?

Don’t miss Mark’s latest studies and the opportunity to ask him your questions about the blood moons!


Click Here to RSVP!



Jonathan Bernis Jonathan Bernis Jonathan is President & CEO of Jewish Voice Ministries International. A Jewish Believer, he is an international television host, conference speaker, prominent leader in the Messianic movement and a passionate supporter of Israel. He has worked on the forefront of world evangelism since 1984, taking the Good News of Israel’s Messiah to the far reaches of the earth, to the Jew first, and also to the Nations. MarkBiltz.png Mark Biltz Pastor and author Mark Biltz is the founder of El Shaddai Ministries, a resource and teaching ministry, and is perhaps best known for his research and teaching about the blood moons of 2014 and 2015, as well as other signs in the heavens. His research has uncovered the fascinating link between significant events in the history of Israel and NASA’s solar and lunar eclipse charts.                                      


The LIVE webcast will air at 5:00 PM Pacific Time, 6:00 PM Phoenix Time and Mountain Time, 7:00 PM Central Time, and 8:00 PM Eastern Time.  If you are not sure of your time zone, whether in the US or international, please visit the Time Zone Converter page at to convert one of the times listed above to your time zone.

Watching the webcast is easy! All you have to do is go to 

a few minutes before it starts and watch!


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