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Wanted: Medical Missions Ambassadors!

May 26, 2015

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One of the most heartbreaking moments of each outreach comes on the last day. It’s the time when we have to walk out to the still very long line of desperately needy people and tell them the clinic is closing, and we can’t treat them.img_9798-1024x682.jpg

Your support of Jewish Voice means so much to us. We couldn’t do what God has called us to without you. The truth is, however, the fewer the number of medical professionals and volunteers we have on an outreach, the more people we have to turn away on the last day.

You can help spread the word!

You know us. You know our mission. You know our heart. You’ve seen the impact of our medical outreaches. And you have a network of connections who may have never heard of us. You can be an ambassador and help let more people know of the opportunity for an experience of a lifetime as a volunteer on a JVMI medical outreach.

The JVMI Global Outreach web page contains important resources about who we are, what we do, and how individuals and churches can join us. It also includes a short video that captures the power of a JVMI medical outreach. There are also three customizable letters you can print for sharing with pastors, medical professionals, or individuals.

Will you be a medical missions ambassador?

Here are a few ways you can help:Print the information from the website and take it with you to your next doctor/dentist appointment. Give it to your doctor and share about the outreaches, or give the information at the front desk for the doctors and other office staff to review. Take printed materials from the website to your pastor or rabbi and ask about sharing with your congregation about JVMI’s vision, work, and outreach opportunities.Share the website link on your social media networks. You can introduce it with something as simple as: “Want to do something big for God? Check out Jewish Voice’s medical outreach ministry. You don’t have to be a medical professional to go!” Spend some deliberate time thinking and praying about the individuals you could share this information with, such as: Friends, family, or acquaintances in the medical profession. People you know who have a heart for the Jewish People. People who have a heart for evangelism or prayer. People who long to do “something big” for God.  



By spreading the word about these truly wonderful outreach opportunities, you can bring more volunteers to us and make a real difference in the number of needy people we can treat. You can help make it so that we don’t have to turn away as many people on the last day. How many more lives can experience transformation because you share? Let’s find out together!

Get Outreach Resources Now


We are in need of both medical and non-medical participants. Visit our website and take a look at our 2015 Medical Outreach schedule.


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