You can imagine the disciples’ confusion – their glances around the room and the unspoken questions in their eyes.
“What is He doing?”
Yeshua (Jesus) had taken off His outer garment and wrapped a towel around His waist. He filled a basin with water, knelt before His disciples – and began washing their feet.
How could this be? This was servants’ work. Yet here was their Rabbi, the Messiah of God, humbling Himself to serve them in one of the lowliest ways.
After He finished, He explained many things, as recorded in John 13‒14:
- He came as an example
- He is the way, the truth and the life
- No one comes to the Father except through Him
- Whatever we ask in His name, He will do – for God’s glory
- If we love Him, we will keep His commandments
- Because He lives, we will live also
- He will send us the Helper
- The Helper will teach us and be with us forever
- Yeshua gives us His extraordinary peace
Jesus spoke these things to His disciples in the Upper Room on the night before He died for us. The Upper Room is just one of many inspiring sites you’ll visit when you join us on the: