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URGENT: Iran Has Israel Surrounded

April 05, 2019

Not since 2014 have so many sirens terrified the Israeli communities that border the Gaza Strip. Last week’s “accidental” missile launch from Gaza – while horrific and tragic for the seven people who were injured – was a symptom of a bigger problem.

Iran has Israel surrounded ‒ and its leaders are obsessed with eliminating Israel.

Iran is ‘On Israel’s Doorstep’

The Trumpet recently reported, “Iran has exploited the conflict in Iraq, the civil war in Syria and the political strife in Lebanon to create an 800-mile land bridge connecting it to the Mediterranean.” Through this corridor, Iran smuggles high-tech weaponry and personnel to its proxies in the countries that border Israel.

On Israel’s southern and eastern borders, Iran funds terrorists in both Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and Jordan while Iran-backed Hamas and Islamic Jihad threaten Israel from the south in Gaza.

Israel’s northeast neighbor is Syria. The Trumpet reported that Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon disclosed classified intelligence to warn the UN Security Council in January that “the Shiite crescent has reached [Israel’s] doorstep.” He said Iran has 82,000 troops in Syria, has spent $35 billion on weapons factories there and maintains a base just 30 miles from Israel’s border. He cautioned that Iran is using Syrian civilians as “human shields” and “turning the entire country of Syria into the largest military base in the world.”

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

At Israel’s northern border is Lebanon, where Iran-backed Hezbollah has built numerous tunnels into Israel from which they plan devastating attacks against civilians. Fortunately, Israel has discovered and destroyed several of those tunnels. But not all. Equally disturbing are Iran’s military bases in Lebanon. Hezbollah’s size and arsenals dwarf those of the Lebanese military.

On Israel’s western border lies the Iran-infested Mediterranean Sea. Iran has a port in the eastern Mediterranean, Hezbollah has a port in Lebanon, and Iran uses Syrian ports. In January, Israeli Adm. Shaul Chorev (Ret.) cautioned that “Iranian ports in the eastern Mediterranean are a real risk for Israel.” He added that Israel’s next proxy war with Iran “could see a focus on the [Mediterranean] Sea.”

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

Has Iran Declared War?

In an opinion article in Haaretz, freelance journalist Muhammad Shehada suggested, “Iran has declared war on Israel – from Gaza.” He postulated that Iran has shifted its major funding from Hamas to Islamic Jihad because the latter is determined to trigger a war with Israel, and last week’s missile strike from Gaza was the opening salvo.

Hamas denied launching the missile but said it was an accident. Islamic Jihad didn’t admit or deny firing it. The Jerusalem Post quoted an anonymous senior Hamas official who claimed Iran went around Hamas and ordered an Islamic Jihad cell to do it.

Nonetheless, the unprovoked attack sparked devastating reprisals on Hamas. The exchange brought Israel and Hamas to the brink of all-out war until Egypt interceded by brokering a ceasefire.

For now, Hamas seems to have received the message. The ceasefire held over the weekend despite demonstrations along the Gaza border on the one-year anniversary of the weekly “March of Return” protests.

According to Israeli army spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Maneilis, the protests were relatively controlled last weekend.

“The restraint Hamas exercised today was such that we hadn’t seen over the past year,” Maneilis said. “There were hundreds of Hamas personnel who wore orange vests and prevented demonstrators from reaching the [border] fence. This shows that Hamas are the ones who determine how heated the protests will be.”

Israel Urgently Needs Your Prayers

Iran has worked for the past 40 years to get into a position to annihilate Israel. It now has Israel surrounded. It claims that its proxies and weaponry could reach every Israeli city. The equally-obsessed terrorists Iran has armed and trained to await Iran’s order to strike.

Israel is focusing its efforts on keeping Iran away from its borders in Syria and on developing strong relationships with allies and a few Arab nations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly has worked out a plan with both Russia and the U.S. to boot Iran out of Syria, but Israel’s danger remains critical.

Please pray with us for Israel and her friends to thwart any attempt by Iran to harm Israel and the Jewish people. Please also pray for:

  • Wisdom for Israel’s military and government leaders as they continually assess and respond to the threats facing the country
  • Israel’s relations with her allies to remain firm and grow stronger
  • Israelis to seek God during these times and that He would draw them to Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)

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