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Transforming Young Lives in Zimbabwe – Zehra Kids Program

January 24, 2018

Last year, Jewish Voice launched its Zehra Kids Program in Zimbabwe. Zehra Kids is a drop-in session offering spiritual and recreational time for children attending our week-long Medical Clinics held in various parts of Zimbabwe.

“Zehra” means “seed” in Hebrew, and through Jewish Voice’s Zehra Kids Program, your support helped plant the seeds of the Gospel and the value of their Jewish heritage in precious Lemba children of Zimbabwe.

Some parents dropped their children off at the program, while others waited and enjoyed watching the fun. It was a moving experience for our staff and Outreach partners to see parents – who had already waited so long at various stops through the Clinic – wait again so their children could have this special experience.

“This is an awesome program. It gives kids hope, and they feel loved.”

―Local Zimbabwean Worker


kid's program

You told them they are valuable

Through your support, Zehra Kids ministered to a total of 1,884 children during three Medical Outreaches in Masvingo, Mudanda and Mberengwa, all in Zimbabwe. Each child’s precious value was affirmed because there was a program in place that was specifically for them. They felt loved as volunteers led them in fun activities such as playing games, coloring and singing songs.


Some children entered the Zehra Kids tent with eager anticipation, faces beaming with wonder at what they might experience. Others entered uncertainly, and we saw their faces transform with smiles and laughter as they played and learned.


The Gospel

The Zehra Kids program was so well received in the community that local schools brought groups of children each day. In Mudanda, approximately 75 children attended Zehra Kids each day. Many of them accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah and were immersed afterward.


During the program, adults met with children in small groups for prayer. One local worker commented, “The program makes kids want to pray.” In fact, Outreach partners noticed a significant difference in children who had been to Zehra Kids before visiting the Clinic’s Prayer Tent. These children were calmer and more open to receiving prayer than those who had not been through the program.

Also, after attending Zehra Kids, many children brought their parents to the Prayer Tent for prayer. The Zehra Kids program blessed far more people than the children alone. As one Outreach partner noted, “This kids program will affect the entire community.”



Communities impacted

Other Outreach partners had this to say about the Zehra Kids Program that you helped make possible:


 “It was incredible watching the children included in the Outreach. Their response to the program and their response to God was faith-lifting and encouraging.”


 “The children received a great mix of God-centered teaching with games and activities. They were excited to be there.”


 “Zehra was so important because it built up the children, who are vital in influencing their communities, the nation and the world around them.”


Lives touched

Zehra Kids touched the lives of nearly 2,000 Zimbabwean children in 2017 and gave them one of the most exciting, fun and inspirational experiences of their young lives. Many of them came to place their faith in Yeshua as Messiah because you helped make this child-focused, God-centered program possible.


Thank you.

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