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This Threat Has Not Gone Unnoticed

October 14, 2016

meuheader071316_forweb UNESCO, the United Nations agency charged with dealing with cultural heritage sites, is at it again.

Almost one year ago to the day, I warned readers in this space of plans by UNESCO to pass a resolution officially declaring Jerusalem’s Western Wall a part of the Muslim Al Aqsa Mosque.

As I write these words, UNESCO’s Executive Board is meeting in Paris through October 18. Item 25 on the board’s agenda, under the title “Occupied Palestine,” appears to be the long-feared attempt by the United Nations to downplay or erase altogether the historical ties of Jews and Christians to the Temple Mount.

This threat has not gone unnoticed by friends of the Jewish people in Congress. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida along with 37 other U.S. lawmakers have penned a joint letter to UNESCO’s board opposing the resolution.

In a news conference concerning the letter, Representative Ros-Lehtinen said she believed the clear purpose of the resolution was “to deny the historical record of the Jewish peoples’ connections to their holiest city and to imply that Jerusalem is inconsequential to Jews and Christians, with the intent of laying the groundwork for additional UN efforts to delegitimize Israel and undermine its status as the capital of the Jewish State.”

As I pointed out a year ago, the Western Wall is the only publically accessible remnant of the Second Jewish Temple, destroyed by Roman armies in A.D. 70, and is a treasured site for both Jews and Christians the world over.

It has been a site for Jewish prayer and pilgrimage for centuries. It has particularly served as a focal point for Jewish mourning and longing over the destroyed temple.

Currently, the Israeli government forbids Jews to pray on the Temple Mount because of the threat of violent reactions from Palestinian Muslims. Jews can visit but are arrested if they are seen praying there. But even the right to visit is under attack.

Now Jewish people have to watch anxiously as access to their one remaining point of connection to the old Temple complex, the Western Well, comes under threat at the United Nations.

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