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Stand Firm - A Prayer of Encouragement

February 19, 2014

standfirmStanding firm doesn't always come easy for us.  We can often be unsettled, even rocked by what is happening around us and in our lives.  The Lord alone – through His Presence, His Word, and His Spirit – provides stability for us when all else is shaky and unstable, including our own thoughts and emotions.  In Him, we have the guidance, nourishment, and hope we need to not only stand in times such as these, but to stand firm, living out of the identity and character He has given and is developing in us.  This kind of rooted-in-Yeshua life is not only stabilizing for ourselves, but a beacon of hope for all with whom we come in contact.

Lord, our prayer today is for the many partners and friends of Jewish Voice Ministries.  May they be reading Your Word, seeking Your face, and listening to the leading of Your Spirit, so that according to Colossians 4:12, they would be standing firm in Your will.  We ask that this would also produce maturity, with the accompanying fruits of the Spirit and strength of character.  Help them to desire to know You well, causing their confidence and faith in You to be strong, so that they may have great assurance in uncertain times.  We praise You, for You are the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  Amen.

. . . stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.—Colossians 4:12


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