I’ve just spent two weeks in Israel and can report to you that thrilling things are happening there!
First, I witnessed the great joy and excitement at the recent 70th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel. And then all of us who love Israel celebrated the great breakthrough of having the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem – acknowledging for the first time that Jerusalem is Israel’s legal and rightful capital.
It may be hard for us to imagine how important these developments are to Israel, except to say they’re truly historic!
But even as we celebrate, the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people have not given up. We must remain vigilant to the dangers that continue to threaten Israel. And because I believe you’re someone who loves and supports the Jewish people, I’m asking you to join me and let your voice be heard.
Won’t you please take just a few moments to share your support of Israel with your friends and family on Facebook? We've made it easy; just click here.
Israel’s security should be a concern to all Americans who understand that the Jewish State is our greatest ally in the Middle East. A strong Israel is our best chance for stability in that volatile region. I trust you agree.
But just look at what’s happening to undermine the safety and security of the Jewish people …
- Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab nations that have pledged to destroy her. And Iran continues its race to develop nuclear weapons, pledging to use them against Israel and wipe her off the map.
- The United Nations demonstrates a shocking anti-Israel bias that last year alone resulted in more than 20 resolutions singling out Israel for punishment – even as its members say almost nothing about chronic human rights abusers and sponsors of terrorism, like North Korea, Syria, and Iran.
- More recently, the UN voted overwhelmingly to condemn the United States’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
- A deeply flawed peace process seeks to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by forcing solutions on Israel that will actually undercut its security and sovereign right to self-determination.
As a friend and partner with Jewish Voice Ministries, you know that we support Israel and encourage others to stand against anti-Semitism and pray for Jewish people.
This support is based on our belief that the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland was a key milestone in God’s plan to bless the Jewish people … and all people.
We can no longer sit by and watch as Israel’s enemies – driven by bald-faced anti-Semitism – work to isolate, destabilize and, ultimately, destroy the Jewish State.
So please add your voice to those speaking out against anti-Semitism by sharing your support on Facebook. Your views will encourage others to stay strong in the face of pressure, and support Israel.
After you share on Facebook, please give a special gift to support and protect Israel in these critical days. Now is the time for us to take a strong stand for Israel – before it’s too late.
When you give now – and I hope you’ll be moved to give generously – I’ll be pleased to send you a thank you gift as our way of saying thank you for your prayers and partnership.
Please let your voice be heard and your love take action. Share on Facebook now.
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