“Then I heard a loud voice in Heaven saying, ‘Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Anointed One, for the accuser of our brothers and sisters—the one who accuses them before our God day and night—has been thrown out. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even in the face of death.’”
—Revelation 12:10-11 TLV
Chapter 12 of Revelation speaks of the “accuser of the brethren” and the “ancient serpent” or “Satan” being cast down from Heaven to the Earth. Now the point of this section is not to focus on the theological timing of this event, but to draw out how to overcome the evil one.
We see in this chapter that when Believers are faced with the fury of the evil one against them, there is a way to overcome! The Scripture above says that Believers overcome the evil one “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”
There is deep meaning to these two statements. One statement is built on the work of another (Yeshua) and an action. The second statement is built upon declaration of our testimony to God’s work in our lives.
Get "A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days"
Few topics captivate our minds or fill our hearts with fear like the end times. In this book, Jonathan Bernis comes with the perspective that is both startling and hopeful, unpacking the mysteries of this cryptic time and what it means for you.
- Overcoming by the blood of the Lamb - Yeshua is our perfect Passover (Pesach) Lamb. He alone has accomplished the work for us, yet we must apply the blood of the Lamb to the doorpost of our hearts and lives to overcome.
- Overcoming by the word of our testimony - We overcome by faithful commitment to God and by declaring His goodness in our lives. We are even willing to declare that we will not waver from our faith in Yeshua during trials, tribulations or even in the face of death.
I want to encourage you to find hope from this passage. When we apply the blood of Lamb to our hearts and lives and commit to faithfully declaring God’s goodness to us, then we overcome!
Now take some time to carefully reflect on the questions below and journal your answers.
- What is God saying through His Word?
- What is God saying to me?
- How should/can I respond?
Get "A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days"
Few topics captivate our minds or fill our hearts with fear like the end times. In this book, Jonathan Bernis comes with the perspective that is both startling and hopeful, unpacking the mysteries of this cryptic time and what it means for you.