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Remembering the Past, Praying for the Future

April 28, 2016

April_2-Prayer-Points-Banner1   Remembering the Past, Praying for the Future Next week, two important commemorations happen on the same day. They may appear unrelated, but they each highlight profound issues and events that call us to respond in prayer.

HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY, Yom HaShoah in Hebrew, is Thursday, May 5, in Israel. It is a time to remember the victims of the Holocaust, a time to say and pray, “Never again.”

  • Ask the Lord to comfort all those who were affected by the Holocaust, survivors as well as descendants.
  • Intercede for the greatest Comforter of all, the Holy Spirit, to make His home in their hearts through their acceptance of Yeshua.
  • Pray against the current and increasing onslaught of anti-Semitism throughout the world.
  • Ask the Lord for personal courage and wisdom to stand with the Jewish People today.
  • Please pray for Jewish Voice Ministries as we continue to seek the Lord for strategies, favor, and resources to bless the rapidly dwindling number of remaining Holocaust survivors we minister to in Israel.

THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER for America is also Thursday, May 5. If you are not in the U.S., please adapt these for your country because every day is a good day to pray for our own nation!

  • Seek the Lord first and foremost for your own spiritual well-being as you come before Him with humility and honesty to ask for a sweeping revival to take place in our nation, knowing that such revival must begin in each of us personally.
  • Pray for the Body of Messiah in our nation to bond together in unity and faith seeking the Lord corporately for His transformation of our hearts, nation, and world.
  • Intercede for our nation and its leaders, from the upcoming presidential election all the way down to the local levels.
  • Ask God for leaders who love Him, do His will and seek His best for our nation.
  • Pray that the United States will resolve to bless Israel and her people, including through the sharing of the Good News of Yeshua.

Lord, at times we are overwhelmed by the horrors of the past and the uncertainty and strife of current events. Thank You that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are our hope. We press in to You for strength and insight so that, like David, we can fulfill Your purposes in our generation, serving You in deed, generosity, and prayer. In Yeshua’s name we pray, Amen.


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