Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
—James 1:2-4
Joy and trials don’t seem like words that go together very well. When I think of joy, I think of spending time with my family, hanging out with friends, and celebrating life’s moments with others. Right now, most of us can’t do any of these things because we are in quarantine. We are either alone or with close family and we can’t see or be around other people. It doesn’t feel very joyful. It feels difficult, frustrating and confusing, among many other emotions.
The Greek word for ‘joy’ used in this verse is ‘chara’ which can be translated as cheerfulness, calm delight or gladness. These are all emotions many of us wish we had right now! But what James is exhorting is that we can take hold of these emotions because trials test our faith and produce perseverance. As Believers, we desire to be mature in our faith, we want to show others what a strong faith is, but that strength often comes through trials! In addition, the word used for perseverance here can be translated to steadfastness, constancy, and endurance. I long for this and I know you do too.
A handful of years ago I went through a pretty intense medical situation and during that season it definitely didn’t feel like joy, but looking back, the Lord was so near to me and He never left my side. I experienced great peace and a testing of my faith like never before. It allowed me to grow in compassion, mercy, and patience, especially with others. I wouldn’t have learned those lessons if it wasn’t for that experience.
A change in perspective can allow us to see current trial of the coronavirus as an opportunity to strengthen our faith. Consider it a workout for your faith, allow yourself to build your muscle of faith through exercising your strength and patience day in and day out. Look around you and find the joy in the situation and see it as a chance to grow closer to the Lord.
As you are in quarantine, either by yourself, or with others, take stock of what is happening around you. Maybe keep a journal of the emotions you are feeling throughout the day. Find the moments of thanksgiving and find the joy in the situation. Write down what you are thankful for. Use this to draw near to the Lord as you recognize His goodness in the midst of this trial but also to encourage others around you who can’t seem to see past the difficult situation.
Practical Takeaway: Record your thoughts and feelings as well as your thanksgiving and praise to the Lord!