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Prayers in the Face of Hatred

April 25, 2014

It’s happening.  Again, and still.  And it’s sickening.

Finder017-1-crYou have probably already heard the news that Jewish People in the Eastern Ukraine city of Donetsk have been handed leaflets by masked men, and told that they need to register themselves, and include a list of their properties as well as a $50 registration fee.  Whether it is real or some kind of stunt, Jewish People are still being subjected to anti-Semitism. It is a time for stepped-up prayers.

This comes on the heels of the tragic anti-Semitic hate crime in Kansas City, MO, where three people were killed; and the attack on a family in Israel on the way to Passover Seder, where the father was killed and the pregnant mother seriously wounded.

It is a global matter.  In fact, earlier this month, Bnai Brith Canada, from a nation we wouldn't ordinarily associate with this issue, presented its annual report on anti-Semitism. It revealed a growing fear among Jewish People in Canada, where hatred of Jews is allegedly becoming a more normal part of conversation.

How do we pray in the light of such hatred?

We remember that although this hatred is strong and real, and will not be completely erased until Yeshua returns, our prayers can still make an impact beyond what we may ever know in this life.

We ask for the humility and grace to not adopt the same stance of hatred towards those who hold these vile views and perpetuate these acts.

We pray for their conviction, repentance and salvation, and when given the opportunity, we love.

We decry not only the anti-Semitic nature of these attitudes and acts, but their inhumanity as well, both of which are an affront to the work and purposes of the Creator.

We remember that there are two components at work here – the human element, and the spiritual one.

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the dark spirits behind such acts.

We pray against the strongholds of hatred, jealousy, and prejudice that are fortified by these spirits.

We pray that God’s protective love, healing, and mercy be manifested in the lives of both victims and perpetrators; and that these types of incidents will be supernaturally stopped, diverted, or diminished.

Finder005-1-crIn Israel, Sunday, April 27th at sundown is the beginning of Yom Ha'Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It marks the ultimate act of anti-Semitism in our time.  At sundown on Sunday, and then again on Monday morning, a siren will sound.  Two minutes of silence is observed to commemorate the valiant victims and survivors of the Holocaust. On the streets and freeways is one of the most moving evidences of the way this nation remembers.  When the siren sounds, traffic stops. Cars pull over. People get out of their cars to stand... in silence. Remembering and honoring.

It is a sobering picture of the partnership and alliance we can have when we stand strong in prayer for the Jewish People around the world against the malignant disease of anti-Semitism.

Thank you for joining us in these prayers.

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