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Prayer Points: Will You Pray With Us?

November 11, 2015


At our Jewish Voice Ministries prayer meetings, we are often struck with the fact that we “go around the world” as we pray! During any given prayer time, we might find ourselves praying for safety and salvation for the people of Israel; perhaps for victims of anti-Semitism in Europe; for one of our medical outreaches in Africa; and then perhaps for follow-up at one of our Festival locations around the world, most recently in Ukraine. This Prayer Points will be similar – a globe-trotting intercessors’ tour!

For ISRAEL, pray for:

* The wave of terror attacks to stop, and for the terrorists and potential terrorists themselves to come to repentance and salvation.

* An end to all the incitement occurring in the media, including how-to-attack videos and hate-filled songs encouraging the stabbing of Jews.

* The Lord to protect and comfort the Israeli people, but also to use this time of unrest to draw them to Himself so they will know Yeshua and be saved.

* Messianic congregations and ministries such as those Jewish Voice partners with to stand strong in the face of fear and opposition, and continue to be a light to their neighbors.

* Special protection for the young, weak, and elderly such as the Holocaust survivors to which Jewish Voice faithfully ministers.

* Israel’s leaders to seek the Lord’s wisdom at every level, so the Israeli people can live in peace.

Pray for AFRICA and UKRAINE, for follow-up with new Believers in Gutu, Zimbabwe; Gondar, Ethiopia; and Odessa, Ukraine. The Lord did great things at each location this fall through our medical outreaches and Festival of Jewish Music & Dance. Please pray for:

* The powerful impact of the Gospel to continue to be felt and spread in each location.

* The many new Believers to stand strong and be committed to growing in the Lord.

* Local congregations as they follow up with these new Believers and gather them into their fellowships.

* The Lord to continue to raise up strong and godly leaders to guide and grow these congregations.

Pray for TACH GAYINT, ETHIOPIA. This will be a new outreach location, the first of 2016. As you may know, it is an area infested with the poison of anti-Semitism. Our hearts go out to those there who are bearing the brunt of prejudice, but we are full of joy at the prospect of bringing them medical care and most importantly, the Good News of Yeshua. Begin to pray now for TACH GAYNT. Pray for:

* The Lord to prepare the hearts of the people to be open to receiving the message of salvation.

* The whole area to be impacted by the love of Yeshua, and that the root of anti-Semitism will be pulled out.

* Many outreach partners to commit to going with us to love and serve.

* God to touch medical professionals to respond NOW to the invitation to become one of our Tach Gayint medical partners. Time is of the essence as there is a significant amount of paperwork that needs to move through the system in Ethiopia so that the doctors will be able to practice medicine at our clinic there. Please pray that the full number needed will respond now!

* The Lord to also prepare our staff and many outreach partners to be the hands and feet of Yeshua to these dear ones who have spent their lives hated and rejected. May they come to know His love through us!

Wherever you are as you pray, whether in your home, with your prayer group, in your car, or elsewhere, there is no distance in the Spirit. The Lord is able to hear your prayers and send His answers to these international places of need. Thank you for traveling with us in prayer!



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