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Prayer Points: Ways to pray for those who weep

September 11, 2024

Praying for Those Who Weep

Scripture says to mourn with those who mourn. On this anniversary of 9/11, we mourn with all those who lost someone or who were injured or highly impacted on that tragic day in 2001. When we pause to remember, the horror is still fresh. And despite all that has transpired since, terrorism continues to take lives, leaving broken bodies and families.

Today’s anniversary brings to mind the fresh tragedy and great losses that Israel is experiencing at this time at the hands of terrorists and terror organizations. As we approach the first anniversary of the October 7 kidnappings, tortures and killings in Israel by Hamas, we mourn with Israel. We mourn with those whose loved ones were victims that day and since.  We mourn with those who were injured and scarred in their bodies, minds or spirits. This includes first responders, recovery teams, and the IDF, who continue fighting this evil, many of whom have borne the loss of life and limb and undergone great trauma while courageously serving with valor. We grieve with the hostages still held by terrorists and for their families who wait, grieve and cling to hope.

Amid such heavy tragedy, it can be hard to know how to pray for the victims. Here are some ways we’re praying. Will you join us?

  • Pray that the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Lord will be very real to all who mourn in Zion — the people of Israel, wherever they are
  • Pray for safe, healing relationships and groups where mourners can remember their loved ones, be honest about their grief, and receive support and hope to move forward over time
  • Pray for help for families dealing with the loss of a specific and beloved person and the hole their absence has left
  • Pray for those who not only grieve deeply but who have also had their daily lives disrupted, which could include where they live, how they are making their livelihood and meeting their needs and those of their families — Lord, provide for them and surround them with resources and support
  • As can be expected, the need for trauma care and grief recovery is immense in Israel. Pray for excellent, qualified counselors and trauma care specialists who will effectively point hurting people toward healing and toward God
  • It has been said that the whole nation of Israel is in a state of mourning in one way or another, experiencing various forms of trauma right now. Please lift them up to the Lord
  • However Jewish people choose to observe the Fall High Holidays this year, may the Lord meet them in powerful and personal ways. May these holy days be a catalyst for personal and corporate healing for Jewish people everywhere as they draw near to God

Let’s Pray

Lord, help us to truly mourn with those who mourn. Help us not forget to pray for Your people and for all of Israel. The well of grief is so deep and its waters so bitter, only You and You alone can meet with and minister to Your people at this time. Oh, Lord, comfort and heal Your people, and protect and vindicate them as they mourn. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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