Maturing Leaders in Africa – Praise and Prayers
Last November, we asked you to pray for our Discipleship Trips. For those trips, some of our staff rabbis traveled to Africa and met with senior leaders of the Messianic Jewish congregational networks in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. We want to update you on how your prayers were answered! Here are some praises from their trip, which are also ongoing prayer requests.
There were effective times of discovering the joy of studying the Torah in small groups — a common and traditional Jewish way of approaching the sacred text together. That’s a praise! Pray this practice continues, enriching both the leaders and those they lead
Our rabbis thank you for praying for the national Messianic Jewish leaders in both countries. We have seen them mature in three primary ways, and ask that you keep praying for continued growth in these leadership areas:
Embracing their Jewish identity in a deeper way as followers of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) from among the people of Israel
Developing national governance structures to serve the congregations they’re planting among fellow Jewish Jesus followers
Strategizing how to sustain their growth and self-sustainability for generations to come
Please pray on an ongoing basis for these leaders in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. They live in nations undergoing governmental, societal, and even natural crises. They are leading both their families and congregations to live out the Good News with faith and hope in troubled times. They seek not only to effectively shepherd and disciple others but also to mobilize outreach and care for those in their neighborhoods and communities. Please cover them in prayer as you would your own pastor or rabbi. They are giving themselves to the Lord and the work of His Kingdom, spreading and living out the Good News of Yeshua
Pray also for the two Jewish Voice staff rabbis, who, among other critical responsibilities, support these leaders in their roles of spiritual influence, shepherding, care of their flocks, and outreach. These two staff rabbis do this through example and mentorship, training in the Word and leadership, equipping and resources, and relational support
- Pray, too, for the families of all the rabbis and leaders mentioned, both here and in Africa. Their families have also been called into ministry as they support these leaders and God’s Kingdom work. May the Lord bless and protect them and all that pertains to them
Let’s Pray
Lord, we thank You for our staff rabbis, who lend their own leadership skills as men of God and men of the Word to the establishment, growth, and effective ministry of Messianic Jewish leaders and congregations in Africa. May You bless them and give them the opportunities to see great growth and Kingdom impact from their labors. We pray the same for these congregational leaders. May our prayers be joined with theirs as Your Kingdom comes and Your will is done in their families, congregations, communities and nations. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.