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Prayer Points: Praying in the Jewish New Year

September 09, 2021

The Hebrew year 5782 has begun! Lately, I believe that we’re all sensing, as never before, that we are entering uncharted waters — in our own lifetimes and even in the history of the world. Prophetic voices are already vying to declare what this year will mean and hold, but if we have learned anything since early 2020, it’s that this is a season to expect the unexpected.  

What remains constant in the midst of change and challenge is our need for the Lord and His faithfulness to meet that need. Though the news gives us no certain guidance, His Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). We must each seek Him for ourselves as well as seek Him together. Here are a few ways to build ourselves up in the Lord through prayer and move forward in faith into this new Hebrew year 5782.  

Pray Personally:

  • That we will each be intentional to abide in the Lord and enjoy the relationship and rest only He provides
  • For grace to walk in the Spirit, consistently go deep into the Word, and be devoted to prayer so we will be light amid increasing darkness
  • To make the most of every opportunity to encourage other Believers and share Yeshua’s (Jesus’) Good News with pre-Believers
  • For us as Believers to get into the flow of God’s prophetic timeline, which is underscored each year by the repeating rhythm of observing the Feasts
  • To renew our commitment to pray as Watchmen on the Walls for Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish people

Pray Globally for:

  • Jewish people everywhere during the Fall Holy Days to come to know the Lord as they seek Him through the liturgy, traditions and special services
  • Jewish Voice Ministries International as we navigate unprecedented circumstances to bring the Good News to Israel and the Nations 
  • The United States in light of the 20thanniversary of 9/11 and possible threats against our country 
  • Israel, the Middle East and all nations amid the shifting and shaking happening locally and globally. Pray also for the safety and souls of all those affected
  • The Lord to restrain the enemy’s schemes globally and prepare Believers as His Bride for His return


Lord, You are our hope and our confidence! You are our source for understanding and living life during these times. We want to be in step with You. May we fully celebrate and observe the Fall Holy Days. May we enter each week into deep Shabbat restoration. Help us look to You for fortitude and grace to be salt and light, no matter what lies ahead. Give us the peace that passes understanding and the joy that comes from being in Your presence. As we remain in You and You in us, we believe we will see Your goodness in the land of the living in 5782 (Psalm 27:13)! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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