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Prayer Points: Partnering in New Places

October 09, 2024

Did you know that most of the time, when Jewish Voice goes to Outreach locations, WE are the partners? WE are the ones partnering with indigenous congregations and leaders to reach out and bless their own people. We lend leadership, resources, manpower and strategies, but it is their work that we help launch, and they will ultimately be the ones to grow and sustain the fruit from the Outreaches.

For our next Outreach in southern Ethiopia, we will partner with a new congregational network with a heart for those in their own region to hear the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) and receive humanitarian care. We are excited about this new opportunity to partner with them and are asking for your focused prayer covering.

Also, this Outreach takes place during Sukkot, which is called the “season of our joy.” May joy truly mark every aspect of it!

Your prayers are critical for this new relationship in a new location and so that the Good News will have a life-changing impact. Here’s how you can make a difference as you pray:

  • Follow along day by day using these detailed Prayer Points, covering the before, during and after of the Outreach week

Please pray for our October southern Ethiopia Outreach.

Before the Outreach

A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

Isaiah 40:3

Wednesday, October 9 – Friday, October 18

  • All preparations such as VISAS, medical supplies, site readiness, team unity and community relationships to be fully in place in good time
  • Protection, health, safety and favor as our team prepares, travels, and ministers
  • Spiritual forces of darkness to flee, making way for the King of Glory to bring salvation, healing and deliverance as the spiritual atmosphere and the hearts of the people are prepared

During the Outreach

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

Luke 4:18

“Comfort, comfort My people,says your God.

Isaiah 40:1

Saturday, October 19

  • Completion of the Outreach site set-up
  • Good rest in preparation for a week of ministry
  • An excellent relationship unity and good communication between our Global Outreach team and the indigenous congregational teams we’re partnering with

Sunday, October 20

  • A strategic and efficient plan to move patients through the Clinic site and shalom in the lines
  • The hiring of local workers who will serve whole-heartedly and align with the ministry that will take place during the Clinic
  • A smooth opening of the Clinic itself on Sunday morning

Monday, October 21

  • The community to be excited and open to our presence and large numbers of people to come right from the start
  • Favor from local officials and community members. May they and their families receive care and ministry
  • The Spiritual Care Ministry to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit with no obstacles of any kind

Tuesday, October 22

  • Safety and protection in all forms
  • The Living Waters teams as they distribute LifeStraws® and Good News
  • The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and ministry of the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, October 23

  • Effective medical and dental care and healing to take place, including supernaturally as a testimony of God’s power and love
  • The Lord to give wisdom, favor, discernment and protection concerning any local or unique factors regarding this location, conditions or timeframe
  • Spiritual strength and stamina for all, which is renewed by intimacy with the Lord, fellowship with each other, and joy as we celebrate Sukkot

Thursday, October 24

  • An energetic and successful last Clinic-day
  • May we be able to care for everyone the Lord brings to us, and may He even minister in the lines to those who come
  • The fragrance of Jesus, the joy of the Lord, and the coming of His Kingdom to remain and have a lasting impact on the community

After the Outreach

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.”

 Philippians 1:6

Friday, October 25 onward

  • Safety packing up the Clinic site and traveling home
  • Effective follow-up by the local congregational network for those who want to learn more
  • The Lord to continue to work mightily in this region, building up the Believers and bringing ongoing healing, salvation and deliverance

Let’s Pray

Lord, we rejoice that we sensed from You, during our recent Week of Prayer and Fasting, that You are again “doing a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19). May this new partnership and new location be evidence of the ways You are working in Ethiopia. May many lives be touched and experience new life in Yeshua during this Outreach and through this ongoing partnership! Prepare the way for us to serve You effectively and make You known in southern Ethiopia. All glory and praise to You! In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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