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Prayer Points- Leadership Training

July 24, 2017

Prayer Points

When you pray for us as we go around the world to share the Good News, God answers. We see people saved, healed and delivered! But that is not where our ministry, or your prayers, end. We then begin the process of connecting these new Believers to strong congregations for discipleship.


For this to happen, we need healthy leaders in each congregation. That is why we are excited to take our JVMI Messianic Leadership Training to Africa again this summer. Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and the heads of our Global Outreach and Congregation and Leadership Development departments will minister in three nations: Ethiopia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.


Here is an important briefing of their schedule including dates, locations and prayer points. We are so excited about the potential we see in these leaders and regions.


Our hope is that this training and ministry helps propel forward these national movements of growing congregations, advancing their ability to spread the gospel and develop healthy, thriving communities of faith. Please invest your prayers in this time of training. Your intercession makes a critical difference.

Travel: Please pray for safe travels and good health before, during and after these ministry times.

Ethiopia, August 1-4

Pray that “Ethiopia will quickly stretch out their hands unto God” (Psalm 68:31b KJV).

Pray for open hearts, great relationships and the transformative power of God at work in these meetings to bring lasting, positive impact after we are gone.

  •  Tuesday: Training with 20 to 30 senior leaders
  •  Wednesday: Training with 80 leaders from all the congregations that are associated with Jewish Voice in Ethiopia
  • Thursday: A day of smaller meetings with each of the teams from all the Ethiopian congregations

Nigeria, August 5-7

Pray for the Igbo tribe in Nigeria. They are among those “from every nation, tribe, people and language” who will stand “before the throne and the Lamb…” (Revelation 7:9 NIV).

Pray for us as we spend time with the Igbo community leaders, get to know them better and listen to the Lord regarding His heart for them.

Zimbabwe, August 8-13

Pray for the Lemba to fulfill their identity as Jewish Believers and their priestly calling as “a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Messiah Yeshua” (1 Peter 2:5).

Pray for the amazing movement among the Lemba in which the Lord is raising up healthy congregations and leaders. May it continue to flourish and gain momentum throughout the nation of Zimbabwe and beyond.

  • Tuesday and Wednesday: Messianic Leadership Training with more than 100 leaders from the 72 Messianic congregations currently planted in Zimbabwe. This training will also bless some leaders traveling in from South Africa.
  • Friday through Sunday: Opportunities in other areas of Zimbabwe for Rabbi Bernis and our JVMI leaders accompanying him. They will be teaching, ministering and enjoying fellowship with other key leaders and congregations in Zimbabwe.

We pray: Father, thank you that you have promised the nations to Yeshua and called us to help fulfill that promise. Anoint Rabbi Jonathan, and those ministering at his side, with wisdom in situations and decision-making. May the congregational leaders and those who follow them be equipped, strengthened and grow closer to You, enabling them to make disciples of these nations. All glory to You! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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