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Prayer Points: How to pray for our next medical outreach

July 08, 2015


How You Can Be Praying For Our Next Medical Outreach

Coming Soon . . .

We are about to enter a focused season of intense ministry. We want to precede this time of ministry with an equally focused season of prayer. WATCH for the next Prayer Points that will have further details regarding how you can participate with us! We want to see God work in answer to our prayers because we know it is not we who bring about eternal change through our outreaches; it is Him. Thanks for your ongoing partnership in prayer!

Getting ready for Gutu

DSC_1615-1024x683 We have been preparing for months, and now our medical outreach to Gutu, Zimbabwe, is just over three weeks away! It is July 30 through August 10. Please continue to intercede for all the final preparations, and most of all, for God to prepare the hearts of the Lemba people so that MANY will receive Yeshua! Please pray:

  • That the small medical team will be fully equipped by Yeshua to meet every need – naturally and supernaturally.
  • For all the many details to come together and for strength and stamina for our Global Outreach team as they complete preparations.
  • That the prayer room intercessors and their interpreters will be the expression of the love of Yeshua and lead many to Him.
  • For the continued success of the Gospel of the Kingdom among the Lemba and throughout Zimbabwe.

Blessing a very special group of people in Israel

Jewish Voice Ministries recently traveled to Israel to bless a very special group of people. We conducted an eyeglass clinic there, serving a diverse group of elderly Israelis, including Holocaust survivors and those who endured the horrors of World War II




We were able to distribute 1,425 pairs of reading glasses to them, with hundreds more custom made frames to be individually delivered by our Israeli partners in the coming weeks. Our team was moved by the privilege of caring for these dear elderly ones and honored to bless them while we are still able. Please pray for:

  • A special blessing for each person we were able to serve.
  • The small eyeglass clinic team who worked so hard over a short period of time.
  • Continued opportunities to serve this rapidly aging generation, to bless them and improve their quality of life.

No Breaches!

We are currently in the season known as the “Three Weeks of Mourning,” which commemorates the breach in the walls of Jerusalem on the 17th of Tammuz (July 4th this year) and continues until the 9th of Av (starting at  sunset on Saturday, July 25). The 9th of Av marks the day the Temple was destroyed as a result of that breach




The sad irony is that it happened twice, on the same dates hundreds of years apart, leading to the destruction of both the First and Second Temples. Many other hard things have impacted Israel and the Jewish People during this time frame throughout the centuries. This is an important time to pray for the safety of Israel and the Jewish People:

  • Pray for no security breaches of any kind, whether in the air, along the borders, underground, or from within. Include prayer against technological breaches as well.
  • Pray for the protection of the Temple Mount itself and all of Jerusalem.
  • Pray for peace and no incidents between individuals, nations, or people groups during or after Ramadan, which ends July 17.

We are gratefully praying for you, that the Lord would put a wall of protection around you and yours, and bless you abundantly in all you do! Thank you for your prayers!

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Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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