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Prayer Points: How do you pray for Israel at this time?

December 20, 2023

Ministering to a grief-stricken Israel

Recently, I sat down with Esther, who is our Grants Administrator here at Jewish Voice Ministries. She is in ongoing communication with the ministries you help us support in Israel. As soon as war broke out in early October, she began inquiring how we could pray for them personally and their work in the Land.

I asked her what themes or specific areas for prayer she heard repeated in these communications. She shared them with me, and now I am sharing them with you for your ongoing prayers. It is so good to know that we are bringing these things to the Lord together, to the One Who watches over Israel continually. Here’s what Esther shares with us to inform and ignite our prayers.


Many ministries are providing encouragement and physical supplies to the soldiers risking their lives to ensure future generations in Israel live free of terror and hatred. These provisions range from daily necessities like toothbrushes. Some ministries will be providing longer-term trauma care for those who serve. In addition, some of the ministry and congregational leaders and members have been called into active military service. This, of course, impacts them and their families personally and their ministry responsibilities.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Abundant provisions of all kinds (and their timely delivery) for those serving in the military
  • Shalom for leaders and congregants who are fighting, that God would protect them and give them victory over the enemy (Psalm 91)
  • Strength and grace for soldiers and their families at home (Isaiah 40:31)
  • Boldness for Jewish soldiers who are Believers, that they would be a light and comfort to their comrades and have open doors to share miracles and testimonies with non-believing soldiers
    (1 Timothy 2:1-4)


It is estimated that over 200 thousand people have been displaced in Israel for some length of time since October 7th. This has precipitated a need for housing, food and basic provisions, as well as clean-up efforts and rebuilding in affected areas. “We are blessed,” one of our ministry partners said, “to prepare a meal with love to many who need daily bread. And we’re honored to show God’s love to those who need it.” Again, the need for trauma care and counseling is prevalent, from people affected by the news of the war to those physically and very personally impacted by it. Some of the ministries you help support through Jewish Voice are also providing help through financial recovery programs, training for small businesses and other areas.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Wisdom and divine strategies for ministries to know how to collaborate with others and understand the evolving needs during this season of both hardships and divine opportunities
  • The Lord to provide effective trauma and counseling care by qualified professionals and through the healing ministry of His Holy Spirit
  • Financial recovery programs and help for specific areas like small businesses and the tourism industry
  • Ongoing clean-up and rebuilding efforts and safety for those conducting them


We are continually lifting up the body of Believers in Israel, in particular the Messianic Jewish Believers who are under tremendous pressure from all sides. From the soldiers battling terrorists to the moms getting their kids to school safely, from the leaders of the largest ministries and congregations in the Land to the volunteers and participants in the smallest ministries, please pray for the Believers in Israel.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Solid grounding in Believers’ relationships with the Lord, looking to and abiding in Him daily
  • A growing unity among Believers in the Land including between Messianic Jews and Arab Christians.
  • An ongoing supply of strength in doing good and in prayer, and that they would not grow weary
  • That they would declare and be comforted by God’s character and His promises in His Word

Let's pray!

Lord, we know the needs are so great in Israel right now! But You are greater still. Thank You for these focal points of prayer for the soldiers, for humanitarian aid, and for the encouragement of the body. Lord, as we pray for those in need of care and ministry, help us remember to pray for those doing the ministry. We believe You are working and moving in ways we can’t even imagine, and we continue to ask You for miracles of salvation, healing, deliverance and protection. In Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name, AMEN.

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