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Prayer Points: Here’s what you can do today

August 30, 2023

Prayer items from our Director of Global Outreach

Were you able to join us for our recent prayer briefing with Eric Pires, head of our Global Outreach Department? I hope so! Eric always does such a great job of engaging our hearts and fueling our prayers regarding the people and places we reach out to.

If you missed it, here is a recap of prayer requests Eric shared with us in four key and timely areas.


Please pray for these recent 2023 Outreach locations, specifically for follow-up of new Believers and others interested, congregation formation, patients who were treated, and the precious children who call these areas home:

  • Konso, Ethiopia
  • Chitsungo, Zimbabwe
  • Mumbwa, Zambia
  • Kechene, Ethiopia


We’ve told you about our desire to reach out to as many tribes as possible – all the scattered tribes of Jewish people. That’s why we are making an Exploration and Scouting Trip to Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa, taking place now. Please pray for:

  • Protection for our scouting team while traveling and on the ground
  • The Lord to continue the process of identifying and giving us favor with “the man or woman of peace” – trustworthy individuals with significant community knowledge and influence who are open to the Good News
  • Key conversations, divine appointments and divine connections
  • Clear leading and guidance from the Lord, both during and after the trip, regarding the potential for future Outreaches


We have two Outreaches coming up this fall. Please pray for the following requests for our Medical Outreaches in Southern Ethiopia October 12–22 and Zimbabwe November 2–12

  • All permissions and paperwork to be in place in good time
  • Effective ministry for the local congregations we will partner with
  • The Outreach work will be built on a firm foundation
  • Effective follow-up with all those who express an interest in hearing more


Will the Lord open new doors for effective Outreaches in 2024? Only He knows, and only He can!

  • Please continue to pray for clear guidance, divine connections and abundant provision to reach the scattered Jewish people with the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus)

“…Thus says the Holy One, the True One, who has the key of David, who opens, and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens…”

–– Revelation 3:5

Let’s Pray

Lord, we look to You to lead the way to the specific Jewish people and locations where You know there is a readiness and openness to the Good News of Yeshua. We are eager to go where You send us! Make Your will and Your way clearly known to us. Our heart’s desire is to see Jewish people everywhere come to know Jesus as their Messiah and Savior. In Jesus’ name, we pray, AMEN.

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