July 1‒7 Prayer for Israel
Israel’s Arab Citizens
Approximately 21 percent of Israel’s citizens are Arab. A slim majority of them profess to be proud citizens of Israel even if they reject the idea of Israel as a Jewish State. With a general climate of tension in the Middle East between Arabs and Israelis, let’s pray for Israel’s Arab citizens, some of whom appreciate Israel and others who may be hostile toward the State based on their family heritage.
Father, we lift up Israel’s Arab citizens to You. We ask that You enlarge the favorable view of Israel in their eyes and turn the minds of those who hold animosity toward Israel. Cause them to see the freedom and prosperity available to them in this place of opportunity. For those caught between two worlds, enjoying Israel’s democracy but who also have family or friends who see Israel as an “occupier,” help them to have a positive influence on their antagonistic fellow Arabs. Open all Arab hearts to hear the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus). May there be peace in Jerusalem, Lord, and in all Israel.
July 8‒14 Prayer for Israel
Believers in Israel
Only 2 percent of Israel’s 9 million-strong population identify as those who believe in Yeshua (Jesus). That amounts to approximately 200,000 people. With significant resistance to the Gospel in Israel, Believers are often subjected to opposition and even hostility. Sharing one’s faith in Yeshua must be done with great care and sensitivity, and it generally requires a long process formed through caring relationships.
Lord, please cover Believers in Israel with Your blessing and favor. Strengthen and encourage them through Your Word and the fellowship of other committed Believers. Protect them from any animosity from their neighbors or co-workers. Move in their lives to build in them stellar reputations as people of kindness, generosity and integrity. Make them stand out as people who love and serve like no others. Use them to draw those they know into curiosity about Yeshua.
July 15‒21 Prayer for Israel
Israel’s Relationship with the United Nations
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) meets three times a year in regular sessions that use a permanent agenda. In Agenda Item 4, they address all human rights violations of nations around the world ‒ except those involving Israel. The examination of Israel has a specific and permanent place on the docket. Agenda Item 7 requires that the Council address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict specifically at each and every session. Very seldom are abuses and resolutions brought against Palestinians – who continue to spend millions on attacking Israel rather than improving conditions for their own people. But Israel is highly scrutinized, regularly receiving a vastly disproportionate number of resolutions against her.
Father, it is so hard to see the unfairness which the Land of Your people endures, especially by an organization in place to ensure fair treatment of all. Lord, please open the eyes of all UNHRC member nations (and the entirety of the United Nations) to an accurate understanding of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians who continue to invest their efforts into destroying Israel and her citizens over caring for their own suffering people. Turn their minds to look favorably upon Israel. Bring to light the injustices and offenses done against her and bring an end to the forced scrutiny of Israel – like no other nation endures – that is required by Agenda Item 7.
July 22‒28 Prayer for Israel
People Praying at the Wall
The Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is as close as Jewish people can get to the place where God’s Temple once stood. The Wall is open for prayer 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and hosts many millions of visitors annually. At any given time, you can find Jewish people representing many branches of Judaism, Believers in Yeshua and tourists praying at the Wall. Many people also tuck prayer requests into the crevices between the large golden blocks.
Lord, so many people come to this holy site near where Your Temple once stood. They come to connect with You. Many are hurting, looking for answers, or laying their desperate needs before You. We ask that each person praying at the Wall would have a profound experience of Your presence. For those who do not know Your Son Yeshua, may they be powerfully drawn to Him and come to saving faith in Him. For those who come merely because it is an ancient historical site, may they be moved by Your Spirit so dramatically that they diligently pursue knowing You through Yeshua Messiah. For Believers praying at the Wall, we ask that You meet each one of them in beautifully personal ways, speaking to their needs and their spirits.
July 29‒31 Prayer for Israel
Israel to come to know the Messiah
When respected people in positions of authority come to faith in Yeshua, the Gospel reaches even further as these influencers draw others to faith. Focused prayer for leaders – whether they are in governmental, religious, business or even entertainment circles – can have an impact that lasts long into the future.
Father, we pray that you would draw key influencers in Israel to Yeshua. Rabbis and other religious leaders, politicians, CEOs, celebrities, doctors, professors, and other people who have gained the respect and trust of people in their arenas – Lord, please soften their hearts to the Gospel and Yeshua. Bring Believers into their lives who will share Your Word with them and reveal Yeshua as the Messiah You promised to Israel so long ago. May they come to faith in Him and draw many others to Him in the future.
Get the Israel Prayer Guide
Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.