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Prayer for Israel – February

January 30, 2019

February 17 Prayer for Israel

Believers in Israel

Of Israel’s 8.5 million people, only about 2 percent are Believers in Yeshua (Jesus). Approximately 20,000 of those are Messianic Jews (Jewish Believers in Yeshua). Gentile Believers in Israel are frequently viewed there as dangerous missionaries, while Messianic Jews are often believed to have betrayed their Jewish faith. It can be challenging.

Lord, please strengthen the Body of Messiah in Israel. Encourage these Believers – both Messianic and Gentile – and help them to stand firm in their faith. Please build up the bonds of unity between them and reinforce their fellowship with each other. Draw them deeper into the Scriptures so they may increase in knowledge and understanding of Your Word. May they have great joy that radiates Your glory and provokes Jewish people to jealousy (Romans 11:11). 

Please instill ministry leaders with vision and wisdom for serving the Body of Messiah and reaching out to Israelis who need to know Yeshua. 

February 814 Prayer for Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Father, Your Word says we are to pray for all who are in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives (1 Timothy 2:1‒2). We bring Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu before You, Lord, and ask that You give him great wisdom to lead and protect Israel. Stir him to call upon You for guidance, and reveal Yeshua to him. Please strengthen him with integrity, and guard against anything that would interfere with his responsibilities to govern Israel well. Surround him with wise counsel, giving him inspiration, innovation and favor to accomplish Your purposes in the defense and prosperity of the State of Israel. 

February 1521 Prayer for Israel

Victims of Terror – recent and past

Lord, how many lives have been shattered by terrorism in Israel? You know each one, and we lift them up to You. While the families of terrorists receive monthly payments to honor their brutal acts of hatred, victims and families must cope with the traumatic stress and fear that often pervades the lives of those subjected to such violence. 

Please comfort and strengthen those who have been attacked. Heal their bodies, minds and hearts. Help them to not be consumed by fear, but bring them to the Good News that Yeshua is the Messiah and that You love them dearly. 

Please also comfort those who have lost loved ones, and bring Your peace to Jerusalem and all Israel.

February 2228 Prayer for Israel

Israel to come to know the Messiah

Fifty percent of Israel’s Jewish people consider themselves secular Jewish. Forty percent of those – though they may culturally practice some Jewish observances – say they don’t believe in God.

Yeshua, how You wept over Your people in Jerusalem, whom You longed to gather to Yourself as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Luke 13:34). We ask that You will awaken a hunger for You among Israel’s secular Jewish people. Open their eyes to see irrefutable evidence of Your existence, holiness and love. 

Please reveal the truth to those who believe in some errant form of You. And to those who think You are distant, show Yourself as the One who longs for intimate fellowship with His people. May Your goodness and truth be inescapable to them. 

Yeshua, thank You for humbling Yourself in the manger and on the tree. Draw near again to open the hearts of Israel’s secular Jews who have no interest in the Father. Stir up their hearts to see and receive You.

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

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