April 1‒7 Prayer for Israel
Israel’s Children
Children are among the most vulnerable in any society, and we know that they are precious to God.
Lord, we lift up Israel’s children to You and ask that You watch over them. Protect them – body, mind and heart. Keep them from violence and abuse, hunger and homelessness. Guard them against the temptations of this world. Keep them free from falling prey to harmful activities and associations. Provide the nurturing that each one needs. May all of Israel’s children grow up with a hunger for You as well as a strong moral compass and wisdom to make good, healthy life choices. Open their hearts to Messiah. Create in them an inquisitiveness about Him, and bring Believers into their lives so they may hear and accept the Gospel.
April 8‒14 Prayer for Israel
Israel’s governing body, the Knesset consists of 120 members representing up to about two dozen political parties. The Prime Minister must establish a cabinet of ministers – a coalition government – from multiple parties. At times, they reach an impasse and determine they must disband and hold a new, special election. Such is the case right now in Israel. The election is taking place April 9 and includes more than 100 candidates. Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is running for re-election.
Father, we ask that You guide this early election in Israel, and place in office those whom You choose to govern the nation of Your people. In particular, we pray for the office of Prime Minister and that You would protect Israel through this most vital leader. Please give all Israel’s Knesset members a hunger for righteousness to guide their leadership. Give them wisdom in all matters pertaining to Israel’s welfare. Plant in them moral convictions that align with You and Your will. Give them great discernment to perceive the repercussions of decisions – both immediate and long-range. Bring these leaders together – though they come from so many different political ideologies – to lead Israel well.
April 15‒21 Prayer for Israel
Passover is one of the holiest times of year for Jewish people. It marks a watershed event in Israel’s history, and even many secular Jewish people participate in Passover observances.
As Passover approaches, Lord, we pray that all Israel will be overwhelmed with a sense of Your power, presence and commitment to the Nation of Your people. Impress upon each one the conviction that Your requirement to cover sin has always been the same. Stir in their hearts a desire to know Your eternal salvation. Reveal to them Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah, the Passover Lamb You have sent and whose sacrificed blood covers sin eternally. Also, Father, please protect Israel from her enemies as the nation observes Passover. May any plans to harm the people of Israel be thwarted so that they can freely observe this holy time.
April 22‒28 Prayer for Israel
People in Crisis
On any day, in any given hour, there are people facing some form of crisis. This is as true in Israel as it is throughout the world. It may be a life-altering accident, illness or injury. Or it could be a marriage or family crisis or a financial setback. Some may be enduring abuse, the death of a loved one, or the loss of employment.
Lord, when life knocks the wind out of us, it can be so hard to imagine even getting through the crisis at hand. First and foremost, Father, whatever dire situations individuals are facing in Israel at this moment, we pray that they would humbly and honestly seek You. Please give them strength, and help them “breathe” through the shattering event they’re going through. Comfort their sorrows. Bring others around to support and help them along the way. Draw them to Yourself so that they may receive the shalom only available from knowing You.
April 29‒30 Prayer for Israel
Israel to come to know the Messiah
Many Jewish people see belief in Yeshua as a betrayal of the Jewish faith and heritage. Some Jewish people who place their faith in Jesus as the Messiah may experience rejection from family members or Jewish friends.
God, we know your heart for Israel, and we pray for those who believe they are honoring You by rejecting those who have come to faith in Your Son, Jesus. We pray that You would soften their hearts toward the ones they used to accept but now spurn. And especially soften their hearts toward Yeshua. Make them jealous of the relationship that those whom they have cut off have with You. Send other Messianic Believers into their lives, and may Yeshua in these Believers be irresistible. Make them curious about Jesus, and open their eyes to see Him revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Join us again next month for more Prayer for Israel.
Get the Israel Prayer Guide
Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.