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A Powerful Impact on Ukraine

July 08, 2014


group (2)We are so excited about our upcoming Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance in Ukraine! This event and its timing, have the potential for a powerful impact on the nation of Ukraine. There are a number of things that make this event so significant:

•    This year marks 20 years since Jonathan Bernis held his first Festival outreach, and it was in Ukraine. Our return there is a ukraine_201_aremarkable way to celebrate all that God has done through these Festivals over the past two decades. It also provides encouragement to the Messianic Believers there and presents afresh the hope of Yeshua to a new generation.

•    The far eastern portion of Ukraine has seen much disruption and turmoil in the last year. Although our Festival location is nowhere near that part of the country, we can imagine individuals throughout the nation may have experienced an unsettling concern. What comfort we will bring them in a personal relationship with their Messiah!

•    This year’s Festival dates coincide with the Jewish calendar’s Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is a time of deep reflection for Jewish People when they consider their sins for the past year and focus on repentance and seeking God’s forgiveness. It is a prime opportunity for us to introduce them to their Messiah Yeshua through whom we have forgiveness of sins.

The Hear O’ Israel! Festival in Ukraine will be a spectacular evening rich with professional dramatic, musical and dance performances depicting the history of the nation of Israel. A stirring message is given by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis presenting Yeshua as the Messiah longed for by the Jewish People and given for the sin of us all. 

Flyer distribution, street evangelism, and much more are the foundation for success of our Festivals. Volunteers are greatly needed and play a critical role in supporting and sharing the message of Yeshua. Come along with us for an amazing ministry experience!


For more information:

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call 1-800-299-9374


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