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Passover: Passing Over Into New Life!

March 25, 2015

Mar_2-Prayer-Points-Banner2, prayer Beginning at sundown next Friday, April 3rd, Jewish People around the world will commemorate the deliverance of the children of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. Passover, or Pesach, is followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread which continues through the evening of Saturday, April 11th this year.


Passover is both a celebration of an actual historical event and a prophetic picture of a later deliverance through the coming of Israel’s Messiah. Israel's deliverance from Egypt had geographic, social and governmental effect.  The exodus also foretold the spiritual and eternal deliverance of Israel and people of every nation who will call upon the Messiah Yeshua. Both require faith in God's method of delivery.

Pray for this Passover

This Passover season, please join us in praying that many Jewish People around the world will find deliverance through entering into an eternal relationship with Messiah: • Some Jewish People are secular and yet still connect culturally with Passover. Pray for them to be touched this Passover so that they will connect with the true meaning behind this Feast and are drawn to understand the claims of Yeshua. • Without an active Temple in Jerusalem, there is much debate in Rabbinic Judaism in how to keep the sacrifices of the Passover. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw people to an understanding of the sacrifice of Yeshua, effective for all time for all who believe. This is the heart of the Passover story seen when the Lord decreed that He would pass over only those who had applied the blood of the sacrifice. • Many Messianic Jewish Believers around the world celebrate Passover with their Jewish family and friends who do not yet know their Messiah Yeshua. Pray for wisdom, discernment, sensitivity, and boldness as they connect and have the opportunity to share what Passover means to them as Believers. • A number of Gentile Christians and churches attend or hold Passover celebrations. Pray for the Lord to “connect the dots” for them and bring a deeper revelation of the Jewish Roots of our faith. May Gentile Believers understand that they are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel.


May this Passover ignite in both Jews and Gentiles a desire to connect at a deeper level with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In turn, may each receive greater revelation of Yeshua leading to salvation.


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