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Outreach Recap: The Outreach that almost didn’t happen

September 12, 2024

Gokwe, Zimbabwe, Medical Outreach

  • 9,371 Patients Received Care
  • 1,181 People Received Dental Care
  • 2,676 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 200 Families Received LifeStraw® Water Filters
  • 4,625 People Heard the Gospel
  • 308 People Received Yeshua
  • 231 People Requested Congregational Follow-up

It was an Outreach that almost didn’t happen — at least not in Gokwe, Zimbabwe. To tell the story, we have to look back to last year’s Gokwe Outreach, where, just after the Outreach began, permissions for out-of-country participants were revoked, and we had to leave everything in the hands of the Zimbabwean team. The Lord blessed the work conducted by our Zimbabwean team, and we were happy to receive permission to return to Gokwe this July.  Plans moved forward, but a week before the Outreach, it looked like the Gokwe trip wasn’t possible.

The Lord used a local person of influence to advocate for us, and the necessary final approvals came through at the very last moment.  While partners and staff traveled across the globe, our Africa logistics team completed a week’s worth of site set-up in three days. The Outreach went extremely well and served about 2,000 patients on just the first day — an unusually high first-day count for Zimbabwe.

Israeli Young Adults Minister in Gokwe

One highlight was the participation of dozens of young adults from Israel, many of whom had recently served in the Israel Defense Forces. It truly blessed us to watch these young Israeli Believers live their faith by ministering to thousands of Zimbabweans needing physical and spiritual care.

A Young Girl’s Healing

A young girl came to us with significant vision impairment, unable to see well enough to read anything. We were sad that we couldn’t help her. After her examination, she and her family went to the Spiritual Care Ministry. Team members prayed, and God healed her! We use the Scriptures on our vision tests in the field. When asked to read aloud from a card of Scriptures in successively smaller fonts, she read every last verse, including the tiniest one that some of the team had trouble reading, even with their glasses. Praise the Lord for His mighty works, making Himself known through signs and wonders!

You played a big part in this girl’s healing. Without you, we couldn’t have taken God’s love and Good News to Gokwe. Your gifts profoundly changed her life. Thank you!

Here’s a glimpse of other ways you changed lives in Gokwe, Zimbabwe, this summer. Thank you again for making such a mighty difference in so many lives.

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