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Outreach Recap: How you changed lives in Sodo, Ethiopia

May 27, 2024

Miracles, Favor and Congregational Plants in Sodo, Ethiopia

  • 9,191 Patients Received Care
  • 658 People Received Dental Care
  • 2,252 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 102 Minor Surgeries Performed
  • 1,149 Children Attended the Zehra Kids Program
  • 393 Teens Attended the Zehra Teens Nehemiah Program
  • 3,056 People Heard the Gospel
  • 245 People Received Yeshua
  • 186  People Requested Congregational Follow-up

Our first Outreach of 2024 was to a new location in southern Ethiopia, a town called Sodo. It was a marvelous success, and three things stood out to our Global Outreach Director.


The Lord performed many miracles for the people of Sodo. One young man suffered from epilepsy and had lost his job because of the seizures. He came to the Spiritual Care Ministry, and when he received prayer, he experienced such a significant change in his body that he proclaimed he’d been healed. In the following days, a relative came to us, glowing with joy over the healing and requesting prayer herself. The man also returned, bringing his whole family who each wanted prayer. Because of your faithful support of Jewish Voice, you helped transform this young man’s future and plant Gospel seeds among his entire family.


In just a few weeks after the Outreach, two new Messianic Jewish congregations had already formed. This is a fantastic start to establishing these new Believers in their faith, growing disciples, and spreading the Gospel in the Sodo area. Your partnership is making this happen.

Local Favor

We never quite know what we’ll experience once we’re in the field to conduct an Outreach — whether a welcome or opposition to the message we bring. We were thrilled that the people of Sodo welcomed us with enthusiasm. As we drove into town, we received a police escort and a parade-like celebration. A local official stood in the street and told all gathered there how blessed they were to have a Jewish community among them because that’s the reason Jewish Voice was there offering care to the entire town. The faithful giving of partners like you who have supported decades of ministry in Ethiopia has helped establish this trust and openness.

Thank you for helping this Outreach change so many lives.

Your gift today will also help local Messianic Jewish Believers follow up with patients who expressed interest in learning more about Jesus, offering them another opportunity to hear the Gospel, accept Jesus, and receive biblical discipleship.

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