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Outreach Recap: Here’s how much you helped in Adigrat, Ethiopia

August 02, 2024

God Used You to Change the Conversation in Northern Ethiopia

  • 8,747 Patients Received Care
  • 761 People Received Dental Care
  • 1,925 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 107 Eye Surgeries Performed
  • 84 Minor Surgeries Performed
  • 9 Babies Delivered at the Clinic
  • 200 Families Received LifeStraw® Water Filters
  • 14 People Received Yeshua
  • 120 People Requested Congregational Follow-up

The people in northern Ethiopia have endured much trauma in recent years. At the beginning of our Clinic week, all anyone could talk about was how hard the last few years have been, what it was like and what they endured. However, by the end of the week, the conversation had changed. The region recently went through years of civil war where hardship, violence and fear dominated daily life.

Hope was returning to their voices. They marveled that people would come from across the world to help them. They were amazed at how we transformed a humble, ill-equipped clinic building into an enormous Clinic event. They were thrilled to receive the medical, dental and eye care they needed and that thousands received such care.

This Outreach shifted the focus of an entire community. You sent us there, and God used you to change the conversation from difficulty and despair to healing and hope. Thank you!

Our Spiritual Care Ministry for this Outreach was located across the street from the Clinic entrance, where Messianic Jewish leaders from Ethiopian congregations met with people seeking guidance and prayer. One day, they ministered to four busloads of particular groups we brought to the clinic. These busses transported members of the local Jewish village, men and women from area prisons, and women from a safe house for survivors of sexual abuse. Much more ministry took place with these groups than perhaps could have happened if the prayer room had been onsite.

Because of this different setup, we couldn’t collect some of the statistics you may be familiar with. But we know you’ll be praying nonetheless for the people touched by the Gospel and God’s love for them through this Outreach in northern Ethiopia.

Again, you made this entire Outreach possible through your gifts to Jewish Voice. Because of you, lives have changed. Take a look at the numbers below, remembering that each one is a life you touched. (And note the nine babies brought into the world. One was born just minutes after the mother arrived and got situated in an examination room.)

Thank you again for making such a difference.

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