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Once Proud. But Still Suffering.

November 04, 2015

Once Proud. But Still Suffering. It’s been extraordinary. Over this past year, we’ve watched in wonder as God did truly amazing works among the members of the various scattered Tribes of Israel. We’ve seen faces of sadness turn to joy before our eyes. We have seen numerous lives saved and improved through the delivery of medical help.

We’ve wept with joy as precious people’s eyes were opened to Yeshua the Messiah, forever changing their eternal destinies.

Please remember that all of this fruit . . . every one of these miracles . . . every act of kindness and ministry was made possible only because you and other friends like you made it possible.

And with your ongoing partnership, the amazing work continues! Jewish Voice was just on the ground in Zimbabwe, and the prayer sanctuary we are partnering in building is well under way on the Mharepare Prayer Mountain, which Jewish Voice Ministries has been developing together with the local chief in that area.

The construction continues as we look into building rooms for worship, leadership training, and Shabbat, as well as synagogues for Jewish Messianic services among the Lemba communities around Zimbabwe. Even now, we are in the process of taking over a former mining complex in the Mberengwa region to use as a base for leadership training and annual medical outreaches!

But our impact continues to extend into Israel. We just recently finished our first of two eyeglass clinics for the elderly. Many of those we served were Holocaust survivors, as well as elderly from Ethiopia. As a whole, we gave out over 1,400 pairs of reading glasses in just one day! And another clinic has been planned for the end of this year!


Yet, despite this wonderful news of all that is happening in many Jewish communities—there are many still suffering persecution on a daily basis. Some of the most intense is occurring just a couple of hours south of Gondar, Ethiopia in Tach Gayint, a “Lost Tribes” community that is home to a subset of the Beta Israel Jewish Community.

There have been eyewitness accounts of people being dragged into the streets and killed just for their Jewish heritage and practices, despite living in the region for thousands of years. This is happening because of some ancient and demonically inspired superstitions held by many people in that area.

There is a belief, prevalent in Tach Gayint but present throughout Ethiopia, that when someone in the community dies from sickness or injury that this happened because a member of the Beta Israel “gave them the evil eye.” In other words, they believe the Jewish People in their community can put curses on them. Local legend also claims that Beta Israel members can turn into hyenas at night. They believe death and disease result from being bitten by one of the Jewish werewolf-like creatures.

Not surprisingly, whenever somebody outside the Jewish community dies in this area, the family members often feel justified in seeking out a Beta Israel member for punishment and retribution. We’re hearing heartbreaking reports of this happening recently in Tach Gayint.

Sadly, law enforcement officials are often reluctant to investigate these murders because they too believe the superstitious legends. At the moment, we are working and praying hard for this horrific persecution to change. Please join us in praying for these remarkable people, even as we continue plans to bring them ministry,medical help, and comfort in just a few months. (Your gift of support today will help us equip and supply this upcoming outreach!)

We’re hopeful that as we begin to minister regularly in Tach Gayint, that we’ll see a positive effect within the greater community that will reduce the levels of persecution. Whenever we visit an area with medical supplies, since our clinic is open to everyone—Jew and Gentile—we have been able to make the Beta Israel, “Lost Tribes”, Jewish Community a source of blessing for the surrounding villages.

Outside communities are now beginning to realize that the Beta Israel are the reason Jewish Voice Ministries comes in and delivers the supplies and free medical care they so desperately need. Now with every passing visit, more and more eyes are being opened, and they are realizing that instead of being a curse, the Beta Israel Community is actually a blessing in their very midst!

Just recently, an Ethiopian Elder of a Jewish community in that area confided in a Jewish Voice staff member and said, “Before you came to our town, we were ashamed to be Jews. Now, we are proud.” What a wonderful statement to hear! However, the persecution is still occurring, and our medical clinics can only stay for so long and serve so many. This is why your continued support is so vital.


We are constantly working to establish creative new ways to reach Jewish communities in that area and will be visiting the Beta Israel again at the end of January 2016. As we move forward into 2016, it is our hope to impact even more communities with the Good News of Yeshua, desperately needed medical supplies, and so much more.

This is why our theme for 2016 is “Be His Voice.” Together, we can proclaim and lift high the name of Yeshua as we serve and help Jewish People all around the world!

And in a greater effort to do just that, we are looking to expand outside of Zimbabwe and into the Southern parts of South Africa where the Lemba people live, exploring possibilities to have medical clinics and construct congregational buildings. This might even begin as early as next year!

There is still widespread persecution and animosity focused against Jewish People and members of Israel’s various “Lost Tribes of Israel”, but because of you, we are making a difference through your connection to Jewish Voice.

In the months to come, we will continue to do all we can to bring desperately needed medical care and relief to help impoverished Jewish communities. We want to comfort and remind them that God and God’s people around the world have not forgotten them. And lastly, we will continue to legitimize their dignity and existence by recognizing and serving them. But we can’t do it without you.

Thank you for your support! We look forward to the many Jewish communities that will be touched by Yeshua as we continue to care for them in the months and years to come. Together, let’s “Be His Voice!"


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