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Obama's Coming Break with Israel

April 02, 2015

Washington Post headline this week shouted, “Obama’s Next Earthquake.”

Those words appeared over an editorial by Jackson Diehl, the Deputy Editorial Page Editor of one of America’s most prestigious newspapers. What was this coming “earthquake?” The answer lies in the headline of an article that appeared on the same day in another online magazine:

“Obama’s Coming Break with Israel.”

Both pieces are talking about the likelihood that the United States is about to add its support to a United Nations resolution designed to force upon Israel a disastrous two-state solution to the Palestinian issue.

Why now? According to these articles, it is believed that President Obama and his advisors were willing to wait and see if their efforts to get Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted out of office would succeed before proceeding in the UN.

Having failed in that effort — indeed with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s conservative coalition having been strengthened in the recent elections — it is believed that the Obama administration is prepared to take more drastic action against Israel.

Drastic is the correct word. As Diehl stated in his op-ed, “Obama’s initiative would set off an earthquake in U.S. foreign relations and for Israel’s standing in the world.” He also wrote:

“There would be other effects, of course, among them an unprecedented breach in U.S.-Israeli relations and a vast acceleration of the global movement to boycott and sanction the Jewish state in the likely event it resisted the U.N. terms. But judging from Obama’s demeanor in assailing Netanyahu last week, the president might welcome that legacy, too.”

In other words, if Israel rejects the peace terms imposed on it by the UN — and it must if it wants to survive — then effort to turn the Jewish homeland into a pariah state will gain enormous ground.

Standing with Israel

These are volatile, dangerous times for Israel and for the world.

That’s why, here at Jewish Voice Ministries, we’re standing stronger than ever in our support for Israel and the Jewish People. And we’re using every medium at our disposal to educate, illuminate, and persuade others.

We’re also passionate about keeping you and others informed about these developments and equipped to live prudently and victoriously in these volatile Last Days.

Of course, your gifts of support help make that possible, but they do so much more. Your contributions also help us minister healing aid to “Lost Tribes” members of Jewish communities in Africa and India as well as bring comfort and relief to fragile Holocaust survivors in Israel.

As a token of our appreciation for your contribution today, we’d like to send you a very special Israel Mezuzah. Containing a scroll with the Shema from Deuteronomy chapter 6, this unique mezuzah is in the shape of the State of Israel. Placed on your doorpost it will remind you of the Torah’s commandment to remember God’s Word, that He is one, and also to pray for Israel.

Thank you again for your continued support of Jewish Voice Ministries! We are grateful to have you as a partner in this vital work.

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