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No Other Nation Would Do So Much - Israel

July 20, 2014

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Gazan death toll rose to 425 and some 35,000 fled the Israel-Gaza Middle East war on Sunday. The Times of Israel, reporting on Israeli Lt. Gen. Gantz’s comments, wrote that he “said Israel mourned the loss of life and injury among Gaza civilians, but emphasized that Israel had repeatedly warned residents of the area to evacuate because Hamas had deployed there. ‘We issued warning after warning,’ he said, making phone calls, distributing leaflets and more. He said the IDF would make ‘every effort’ to prevent civilian casualties, and that Israel was sending aid into Gaza, and had opened a field hospital on the border. No other army or country would act in this way, he said. But ‘in the end there is a mission, a moral obligation” to protect the people of Israel.’”

Netanyahu accuses Hamas of callous photo ops

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN, "All civilian casualties are unintended by us, but intended by Hamas. They want to pile up as many civilian dead as they can, ... it's gruesome. They use telegenically dead Palestinians for their cause. They want the more dead the better." (

Israel regrets and pleads with Gazans

“Israel regrets every injury to civilians,” he said. “I call on the residents of Gaza, don’t stay there, Hamas wants you to die, we want you to be safe.” ( The Times of Israel)

Gazans:  Hamas uses them, Israel tries to protect them

Hamas is engaging in war crimes. They are not “fighting fair” according to international rules and the Geneva Convention. How does an ethical nation fight against an unethical one? While Hamas sacrifices innocent Gazans to protect their weaponry, urges them to not seek their own safety but to stay, and offer themselves as human shields, Israel sends warnings of their attacks. Israel urges Gaza’s citizens to flee a dangerous are. They allow humanitarian windows of ceasefire. They send aid in to Gaza. Still their defensive attacks are causing tragedies of human lives lost. While what Netanyahu said last week is true – that the responsibility of innocent casualties lies entirely on Hamas – the world only sees Gazan blood and tears.

These losses are so sad. Truly. Our hearts break over the loss of life and we urge you to pray, as we do, for the Gazan people who are enduring such a frightening and mournful situation.

Israel must defend itself

If Israel forges ahead, as it surely must and has declared it will, to secure the safety of their citizens by disabling Hamas in Gaza there will be more casualties. Hamas knows, the more casualties, the more the world opposes and pressures Israel. However, Israel will not be deterred. They cannot back off and leave their citizens in an ongoing and extreme danger of Hamas attacks by tunnel and air.

While many in the world are admitting Israel has the right to defend itself, Israel is increasingly drawing criticism for Gaza’s civilian death and casualty toll. If the governing authorities in Gaza – Hamas – willfully do not protect their own citizens but instead use them as pawns in unethical battle strategies against Israel, what is Israel to do? They are surrounded by millions of square miles of hostile lands. They are situated in the epitome of vulnerability. They must always be on the defense and always be prepared to carry out a fight for their lives.


Not all Gazans are Hamas or Jihadists. It is heart wrenchingly unfortunate that they are caught in the middle of a war initiated by their Hamas leadership against Israel. Israel must fight back and it is tragic that innocent lives are lost.

Please pray today, not only for the cause of justice in this operation, but for the innocent lives that Hamas has drug into this war. They have drawn not only the innocent people of Israeli towns and cities,  Israeli husbands, fathers,  sons, and daughters of the IDF, but also the innocent of their own land, into the explosive crosshairs of their hatred.

  • Please pray for Gaza.
  • Pray for IDF troops.
  • Pray that every tunnel, every entry, and every exit be discovered and destroyed.
  • Pray that Hamas’ power be crippled.
  • Pray for all individuals to look up and see Yeshua (Jesus) and believe.

suncatcherYour financial contribution today will help support Israel-based ministries that serve the people of Israel in this great time of stress and need. Together we can stand for Israel and bring the love of Yeshua to God’s People there. Would you please consider a generous donation today?

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