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No More Salaries For Terrorists

August 11, 2017

The Taylor Force Act has cleared another hurdle and appears to be on its way to becoming law, reports the Jerusalem Post.

The bill would cut U.S. taxpayer funding of the Palestinian Authority (PA) if it doesn’t stop paying salaries to terrorists and their families. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the measure by a 16-5 vote late last week.

The Act, named for a former U.S. Army officer who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv in March 2016, will now advance to a full Senate vote.

If it passes, the bill would compel the State Department to cut off funding to the PA if it does not suspend its practice of paying what it considers “martyr” compensation — monthly payments to terrorists if they are convicted or to their families if they are killed.

Speaking to reporters, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham praised the bill, while decrying the situation that prompts it: “The longer you’re in jail, [or] the more vicious the crime, the more money you get. That’s inconsistent with peace. It is a sick system. It needs to change.”

The Act also requires the PA to take “credible steps” against inciting violence against Israelis and Americans.

The United States currently gives the PA nearly $500 million in annual aid. The legislation would preserve only the portion designated for security assistance and humanitarian aid — roughly $60 million.

Misinformed and counterproductive
– The Palestine Liberation Organization

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) quickly responded, criticizing the bill as a “misinformed and counterproductive” measure that risks undermining the PA.

Husam Zomlot, the PLO’s Washington envoy, told the Post, “This is a 52-year-old program to support families who lost their breadwinners to the atrocities of the occupation, the vast majority of whom are unduly arrested or killed by Israel.”

“The Act does not enhance the security of Americans and Israelis,” the Palestinian further maintained. “Nor does it permit Palestine to provide for the security and well-being of its people who continue to live under a half-century-old military occupation."

The bill gained the support of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobby group. The organization says on its website that “the legislation does not affect U.S. funding for security cooperation, nor does it cut humanitarian programs if the U.S. government can certify that the PA is taking credible steps to end violence against Israelis and Americans.”

After weeks of unrest, it’s nice to hear this good news

After all of the tension, rioting and violence in Israel that resulted from the recent Temple Mount crisis, it’s a relief to hear reports that action is being taken that just might reduce terrorism in the region.

U.S. taxpayers should not be compelled to reward terrorists who kill Israelis or other Americans.

Still, we know that the roller coaster ride of political and religious conflict in the Middle East will continue until Yeshua (Jesus), The Prince of Peace, returns. He has promised to make all things right — not only for the nation of Israel, but for all nations.

We know He’ll keep that promise. While we wait for that day, our scriptural call remains the same: to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). We continue to pray for peace in the Land of Israel and also in the hearts of each person — whether Jewish or Arab — which can only be achieved through faith in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).


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