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Medical Missions: Woliso Outreach Continues

February 05, 2015

The Woliso area

Ethiopia lies just north of the equator in eastern Africa. In the dry season, the landscape is dusty with red earth. In the rainy season, water flows so freely that many buildings and facilities have drainage ditches along walkways.


Journeying to the medical clinic

The bus ride from the hotel to the clinic location is filled with the culture of Ethiopia. Thatched roofs, grass huts, and natural branch fencing fill the view.


Transporting goods in the humblest of ways

Burros are a major resource for carrying burdens.  And if they don’t have a burro, Ethiopians are are really good at carrying things on their heads.


Woliso's road travel 

On the way to the medical mission site, the road is filled with pedestrians, burros, cattle, and goats.


Medical mission team mornings 

The team enjoys breakfast at the hotel before heading out for another long but energized day of making a remarkable impact on thousands of lives in the clinic and prayer tent.


The making of a medical missions clinic

So, what does a medical missions clinic site look like before we transform it into a complex organism of makeshift waiting rooms and medical departments?

Take a look at the “skeleton” of our Woliso medical mission. These buildings are without electricity, and stand ready for us to add on “rooms” using tarps, branches, and rope.




Facility prepared for pharmacy work

Rudimentary facilities form the framework of our Woliso clinic. This looks like a good place for the pharmacy, complete with a walk-up window and counter for dispensing prescriptions.


They sure don’t look like what we’re used to when it comes to medical rooms…


…but with a good cleaning…


…the stocking of some medical supplies…

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…and the addition of caring, purposeful individuals…


… these rooms become an enormous blessing to the  thousands of patients who flow through the clinic to receive free medical and dental care.

The reason we go

We go for the thousands of needy people whose lives matter so deeply to Yeshua.

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  We go for the men and women and families who need us, for the widows and the homeless, and for the children.




Why not consider joining us for one of our upcoming medical missions? We can assure you that it will be a powerful, amazing, and unforgettable experience! Check out our website and the 2015 Medical Outreach schedule. Pray. Plan. Answer the call!

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