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Medical Missions: They Are Waiting For Us to Return

April 30, 2015




Zemzem is 70 years old and she lives two hours away from our Gondar clinic site. She came too late to receive treatment the previous year. The $1.00 bus fare was expensive for this impoverished woman, but far less costly than the price of a visit to a doctor, if not for our clinic. This year, she made sure to arrive on the first day so she could see a doctor. Zemzem is blind in oneZimbabwe Outreach Patient Line eye and losing sight in the other.  There are thousands just like Zemzem waiting for us to return to clinic sites in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. Those that await us are elderly and children, men and women, mothers and babies. For most of them, this is their only opportunity to see a medical professional. They suffer needlessly with painful eye diseases, dangerous infections, and wounds that won't heal without proper care. Below are some observations from volunteers that have joined us on past outreaches: “In places like Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, people can’t even buy or cough syrup over the counter. They literally can’t get anything without a doctor’s prescription.” “They are so appreciative of anything that you can do to help them.” “These kinds of experiences strengthen my faith in ways that I can’t get back home.”


A Jewish Voice medical outreachDSC_0218.jpg provides even more than lifesaving medical and dental care. Each member of our volunteer team, medical and non-medical alike, extends the love of Messiah to these dear people who are worn and wearied by their poverty. Every patient is invited into our prayer room where they can hear the eternal lifesaving message of Yeshua (Jesus) and receive His eternal hope and peace.

You can make a powerful difference in the lives of these hurting people.

The need among them is great. The rewards waiting for you are perhaps even greater! Will you join us?



Will you answer the call?

Give hope and be changed! Join us on an upcoming Zimbabwe or Ethiopia medical missions outreach!

Click below for more information

new2015-_medical_outreach_gutu2_new-button.jpg new2015-_medical_outreach_gondar_wdepartures_new-button copy Spread the word! You can help the Lemba by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church. The more people who answer the call, the more people in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia who can receive medical care and hear the Good News of Yeshua!

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Gutu Gondar July 30 – Aug 10 October 9 - 19



We Need Medical Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers!

 Answer the call and join us in bringing the healing love and eternal hope of Yeshua to Zimbabwe and Ethiopia!


Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

Click here for additional 2015 JVMI outreach opportunities.

gondar 2014 medical


Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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