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Medical Missions: He Came to Be Baptized

June 10, 2015

Gutu-2015-Outreach-Banner His name is Smart, and we met him last year in Gutu, Zimbabwe. Thousands came to the JVMI clinic for medical or dental treatment, but Smart came for a different reason...

He came to be baptized.

Three months earlier, he had heard the Good News and came to understand “the truth and light of Jesus.” Before then, he was Muslim. When he came to faith in Yeshua, the Muslim community abandoned him, no longer helping him with food and clothing like they had previously.

“I told them they can keep it,” Smart said. “All I want is Jesus.”zimb-line2.jpg

There is something exciting happening in Zimbabwe. Thousands are coming to faith in Yeshua. New Believers are sharing their faith, new congregations are thriving, and new Messianic leaders are being equipped to disciple and care for their congregations.

Seventy-five year old Mandinyenya came for glasses in Gutu last year.

He waited in line for five hours, saying, “it is worth it.”

He explained, “When something is important to you, you must strive even when it is difficult.” He received reading glasses and then visited the prayer tent.

“I have never seen a place that gives medicine but also gives prayer,” he said. “I want the clinic to come back again…



We ARE going back! And you can join us!

Jewish Voice Ministries’ Medical Missions Outreach to Gutu, Zimbabwe July 30 – August 10, 2015 



Children who are suffering needlessly will receive treatment. Men and women robbed of their eyesight by cataracts will see again. Life-threatening infections will receive care and prescriptions. Hurting hearts will hear the hope of Yeshua who loves them and died for them.



Yeshua said when you minister to the least of these, it’s as if you are ministering to Him directly. Answer the call! Join us in helping the Lemba in Gutu!  

I Want to Go to Gutu!



We Need Medical Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers!

 Answer the call and join us in bringing the healing love and eternal hope of Yeshua to Zimbabwe!


Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

Click here for additional 2015 JVMI outreach opportunities.

gondar 2014 medical

Can't Go to Zimbabwe?

 You can help the Lemba by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church. The more people who answer the call, the more people in Zimbabwe who can receive medical care and hear the Good News of Yeshua! Click here to find a short video, outreach brochure, and helpful information you can share with others!


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Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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