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Medical Missions: Has the Lord Put This on Your Heart?

February 19, 2015

Mberengwa-2015-Outreach-Banner, medical mission It’s one of the most heartbreaking moments of every clinic. It’s the moment when we have to tell the hundreds of people still waiting on the last day that we can see no more patients. Patients wait in line for hours, often camping out overnight, to see a medical professional for their illness, their wound, their eyes, or for their suffering children.

What if we had even fewer doctors and medical professionals? What if we had even fewer prayer tent volunteers? 

How many more of the precious Lemba in Zimbabwe would be turned away because there were just not enough team members to treat them?

How many more souls would return home without hearing the Good News of Yeshua? Their need calls! When you answer, you bring life! Answer the call!


Jewish Voice Ministries' Medical Outreach to

Mberengwa, Zimbabwe

April 23 – May 4, 2015



Zimbabwe is home to the Lemba, who clearly have ties to the ancient people of Israel, particularly the Levites. God is doing a mighty work among them, and the Lemba are coming to faith in Yeshua by the thousands. In these Last Days, God is moving and gathering His People to Himself.

Be a part of this exciting End Times work of God! Answer the call and join us in bringing life-saving medical and dental care – and Yeshua – to the Lemba! Help us bring help and hope to even more of these lovely, needy people!



Victoria Falls Excursion with Jonathan Bernis and Mberengwa Medical Mission


Join us for our Mberengwa outreach and take a day excursion with Jonathan Bernis to world-famous Victoria Falls. The Zambezi River is more than a mile wide where it falls over a 350-foot drop forming one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Answer the call in Mberengwa and combine the wonder of being used by God among the Lemba plus the marvels of His creation in these spectacular falls!






Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

If you can’t join us in April,  click here for additional 2015 JVMI Outreach opportunities.

Help us spread the word! You can make a difference in the lives of your friends, doctors, and church family, too! Share with them about Jewish Voice Ministries’ exciting opportunities to bring healing and hope to people who so desperately need it.  You can share this blog link on your social media pages, and speak to your church about the life-changing experience that awaits them on a Jewish Voice medical outreach!

We Need Medical Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers!

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Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!


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